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Is it possible to have no digestive symptoms with reintroductions?


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I'm just wondering if anyone has completed all their reintroductions with no digestive symptoms (no cramping, no diarrhea, no gas, no nausea, no upset stomach).


So far I have reintroduced dairy and non-gluten grains.  I am halfway through my gluten grain reintro day. I'm not planning on reintroducing legumes because I don't really miss them.


I have to say, I was expecting some kind of reaction to dairy, but I really didn't have much. I had yogurt with breakfast and a slice of cheese with my lunch. My stomach was a bit rumbly after dinner, and again after I ate some ice cream a bit later for dessert, but it was extremely mild and lasted no longer than a couple minutes.  (I also ate out at a restaurant for dinner and although what I ordered was W30 compliant, I am second guessing if perhaps something snuck in there and therefore I think I'm going to do a second round of reintroducing dairy).  The only other noticeable difference was extreme fatigue the next day.  


On my non-gluten grain day, I had a slice of gluten-free bread with breakfast, a handful of corn tortilla chips with my lunch, and white rice with sushi for dinner.  Again, stomach-wise, I felt fine throughout the day.  My stomach was making a few gurgly noises after dinner but wasn't bothering me.  I should mention that this also happened to be Valentine's Day, and I did indulge in some gluten-free and dairy-free german chocolate cake from the local vegan/vegetarian restaurant and I will say, after eating that (which was about 45 minutes after dinner), I felt like I had a lead ball in my belly.  But I'm thinking I just overdid it with the cake/sugar?


And now so far on my gluten-grain day, I had a muffin with breakfast and two slices of whole wheat bread with lunch.  So far, no stomach upset.  I'll pay attention to how I feel throughout the day, and the next two days, in terms of energy, mood, etc.


I'm just wondering if anyone else felt a lack of significant symptoms after doing their reintroductions.  I know that from reading It Starts With Food that even though I'm not experiencing major stomach upset, I understand why these types of foods are not good for me and I'll be taking that into consideration moving forward, and will continue to refrain from these types of food as much as possible.


Not to make this the longest post in history, but I figure I should mention the reason I tried the W30 is because I've always had digestion issues since I was a kid (I'm now 32) - never officially diagnosed with anything like IBS or something else, but lately I would be either constipated or have diarrhea, with no real stable digestion.  While doing the W30 my digestion issues were definitely relieved.  I was also looking to sleep better (which I am!!) and have more energy.  Finally, I have Hashimoto's (underactive thyroid) and I wanted to see if this impacted my thyroid levels.


Any thoughts or experiences shared by others are appreciated :-)

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It's completely possible that you didn't experience any digestive issue in response to your reintros but did you experience anything else? A headache, lethargy, foggy mindedness, tired after eating, or change in your digestion for the worst? If not then maybe you truly don't have any issues with any of those foods per se or maybe you don't have any issues with them in the amounts that you ate them. It's difficult to know what exactly is going on but if you feel better then the smartest thing to do is to avoid the foods you omitted for the whole 30 as much as possible and if you happen to eat something that isn't whole 30 compliant then don't stress it. 

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I'm just wondering if anyone has completed all their reintroductions with no digestive symptoms (no cramping, no diarrhea, no gas, no nausea, no upset stomach).


So far I have reintroduced dairy and non-gluten grains.  I am halfway through my gluten grain reintro day. I'm not planning on reintroducing legumes because I don't really miss them.


I have to say, I was expecting some kind of reaction to dairy, but I really didn't have much. I had yogurt with breakfast and a slice of cheese with my lunch. My stomach was a bit rumbly after dinner, and again after I ate some ice cream a bit later for dessert, but it was extremely mild and lasted no longer than a couple minutes.  (I also ate out at a restaurant for dinner and although what I ordered was W30 compliant, I am second guessing if perhaps something snuck in there and therefore I think I'm going to do a second round of reintroducing dairy).  The only other noticeable difference was extreme fatigue the next day.  


On my non-gluten grain day, I had a slice of gluten-free bread with breakfast, a handful of corn tortilla chips with my lunch, and white rice with sushi for dinner.  Again, stomach-wise, I felt fine throughout the day.  My stomach was making a few gurgly noises after dinner but wasn't bothering me.  I should mention that this also happened to be Valentine's Day, and I did indulge in some gluten-free and dairy-free german chocolate cake from the local vegan/vegetarian restaurant and I will say, after eating that (which was about 45 minutes after dinner), I felt like I had a lead ball in my belly.  But I'm thinking I just overdid it with the cake/sugar?


And now so far on my gluten-grain day, I had a muffin with breakfast and two slices of whole wheat bread with lunch.  So far, no stomach upset.  I'll pay attention to how I feel throughout the day, and the next two days, in terms of energy, mood, etc.


I'm just wondering if anyone else felt a lack of significant symptoms after doing their reintroductions.  I know that from reading It Starts With Food that even though I'm not experiencing major stomach upset, I understand why these types of foods are not good for me and I'll be taking that into consideration moving forward, and will continue to refrain from these types of food as much as possible.


Not to make this the longest post in history, but I figure I should mention the reason I tried the W30 is because I've always had digestion issues since I was a kid (I'm now 32) - never officially diagnosed with anything like IBS or something else, but lately I would be either constipated or have diarrhea, with no real stable digestion.  While doing the W30 my digestion issues were definitely relieved.  I was also looking to sleep better (which I am!!) and have more energy.  Finally, I have Hashimoto's (underactive thyroid) and I wanted to see if this impacted my thyroid levels.


Any thoughts or experiences shared by others are appreciated :-)


It's also perfectly OK to have no real symptoms!  Good even!  I think we all go into this expecting to find intolerances, but isn't it great news if you find out you don't have any?

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Thanks for the feedback!  And yes JohannaE, it is good news and I don't mean to sound like I am complaining because I didn't get sick!  I'll continue to keep an eye on other types of symptoms around energy, sleep, headaches, etc. in the coming days and weeks, and I'll just be sure to take note in the future if I decide to add something in one day to see if I experience any symptoms.  So far, with the dairy I just felt extremely exhausted the next day.  Just curious if anyone else experienced -- or rather, had a lack of experience of overt symptoms.  Interesting to note that during my W30 I felt well overall and didn't have any headaches or illness - in the past few days I've come down with a bit of a cold and sore throat.  I suppose I can't say for sure if it's related to reintroductions but something to keep in mind. Thanks everyone! 

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I didn't really have any digestive upset during my reintros either. What I figured out through trial and error (probably ~6 months worth of experimenting) is this:


- Sugar makes me crave more sugar. Gluten makes me crave every junk food ever invented.

- Aspartame and MSG give me headaches.


That's it! Kind of a let down, LOL. It would have been nice if the "bad" foods made me sick, so they would be easier to stay away from!

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I didn't notice any digestive symptoms, however my energy levels plummeted after reintroducing both dairy and gluten.  I regained my energy quickly after returning to Whole30 eating after dairy, however gluten was a mess... No energy and awful stuffed nose/headache.  Today is my second day of back to Whole30 after gluten and my nose is clearing up and my headache is less intense.  Could it be coincidence that I got a cold at the same time I reintroduced gluten? Sure... But I think it's directly related to the reintroduction.  I used to LOVE gluten filled foods, but I don't even miss them anymore.

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I have no digestive issues from anything.



Dairy definitely triggers my sinus issues (as I expected).

Gluten triggers inflammation and my arthritis/old injury sites start bothering me, but even worse, gluten makes my head absolutely spin. I suffered from anxiety/racing brain syndrome for years (think the mental equivalent of a sugar rush) and had no idea the cause was gluten until I went grain free.


So, just because you don't have digestive issues doesn't mean you don't have "issues".


Rice seems to be fine, and I only eat it in small amounts. Chickpeas also seem to be fine. I haven't reintroduced a bunch of other stuff because either I don't miss it or I think it will lead to a spiral of going back to poor eating habits.

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  • 3 years later...

So I'm gonna tag onto this as to not create a new topic.

I completed my Whole30 and reintroduction, I've had peanut butter, rice, corn chips, yogurt, kefir, butter, chocolate (barely, didn't particularly care for it) and a few other foods but not many. Of course I did these each on their specified day and waiting period etc. 

During my Whole30 my digestion only got WORSE with gas and diarrhea every day. Once I ate dairy it improved immensely! Plus none of these foods bothered me at all. I never felt more tired, sugar cravings, disturbed sleep (I have a three month old but slept the same between night feedings), skin problems etc...

I ate pretty dang well before my Whole30 I just wanted to really tighten up. I wanted to mainly tame my mild sugar dragon.

So.... has anyone else experienced this?! No problems to any of the foods and having better digestion WITH some of these foods? I almost feel like your are SUPPOSED to find a problem or intolerance. Mind you I eat mostly Whole30 with various forms of dairy, peanuts, occasional grains.

Thank you!!


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Yeah, there's definitely people on the forums that especially with dairy do better digestive-wise.  The Whole30 is 30 for a reason, vs. a Whole365 or WholeLife.  It's a process to learn something.  "Something" might be that dairy doesn't agree with you, or that dairy really agrees with you.  Either way, you now have the info you need.

Why would you want to find problems?  Enjoy foods that make you feel good!

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  • Administrators
3 hours ago, EmilyP866 said:

So.... has anyone else experienced this?! No problems to any of the foods and having better digestion WITH some of these foods? I almost feel like your are SUPPOSED to find a problem or intolerance.


My husband has always found that his digestion and bowel movements improve immensely when he includes some bread products. We've tested this several times and every time, comes back to say he feels better consuming a small amount of bread/bun etc. To each their own, everyone is so different. :) 

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