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What to order at a Sushi restaurant?


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Hey everyone,

I often go for Sushi with friends for dinner once a week.  I am not really familiar with anything other than rolls.  What should I order that would be Whole 30 compliant?  I am up for trying anything, just not scallops I am very allergic.  Thank you!


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First, bring your own bottle of coconut aminos.

Second, be aware that there is soy in almost everything they serve that has a sauce (and sugar).
It is very hard to order compliantly, have had a couple of experiences where they will tell you it has no soy or sugar when it does. 

Your best bet is to order sashimi, hold the rice.

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Easiest thing is to order Sashimi. It's just fish. Bring your own coconut aminos if you want something to dip it in...or go without- it's quite tasty. I like the tuna and salmon best, but you can be pretty adventurous with sashimi!


When I just went to a sushi place a couple weeks ago, I also ordered a house salad- no dressing, croutons, etc. and asked that they add avocado for a fat. Or bring your own olive oil along as well to put on the salad. 


Avoid the wasabi and the pickled ginger- unless you know for sure they don't have non-compliant ingredients. Also avoid any seaweed garnish as they are usually marinated in soy (at least they were at the place I went- glad I asked!)


Hope that helps. I just asked this question too, and there are lots of other suggestions in the forum. Good luck.

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  • 4 months later...

We love going to a Japanese BBQ restaurant near us.  www.gyu-kaku.com  I think I can get a pretty good Whole30 compliant meal there.   I wonder if Shabu Shabu is a good choice too?  (depends on what is in their broth of course)


Tekka Maki and Kappa Maki (cucumber and nori) are not good choices since both have rice.  Basically the definition of sushi = vinegared rice.  So, sashimi it a winner, or ask them to make a roll with only veggies and fish (clearly say "no rice")....the chef may like the challenge!  Sit at the bar and be friendly with your chef. 


I like the thought of asking the restaurant to steam the tempura vegetables for me :)  Many sushi restaurants use kabocha, which is my favorite squash.  yum!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh - and when you are reintroducing after a whole30, when it comes to sushi rice...you need to know that it is made with a simple seasoning mix that includes rice vinegar, and sugar!  Not many people know about the sugar, but it's there.  Of course since you're not whole30 anymore that's fine - but if you were going to continue to avoid sugar....


Because sushi rice is made in huge batches and this is the traditional method, I doubt they could make you separate sugar-free rice if you ask.  But, again - be friendly with the chef at the bar.  He may be willing to try to make you a roll with the plain rice they serve with entrees (it's hard to work with for a roll, but not impossible)

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