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Suzy's Whole30


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I'd been fat (I'm 5'5 and was almost 200 lbs.), tired, feeling older, I had arthritis symptoms, and I've been dealing with dysthymia (a form of depression) and low blood sugar/ sugar addiction since 5th grade (I'm 33 now). I never felt right. I knew there was some integral piece of the health puzzle that was missing. Of course I've tried everything to help myself. I'd even started calorie reducing in the 6th grade for my small paunch that was developing from all the sugar and bread I was consuming in my "healthy American diet." I had done Atkins in my 20's and really loved it . . . except for the "don't eat much fruit" rule. I'd heard about Paleo around this time, but didn't go for it for some reason. I guess I wasn't ready.

Fast forward to the middle of June, 2012. I'd been hearing about Paleo from my boss, who had tried it but wanted more carbs. Then I bumped into an acquaintance who is really into health. I was telling her that I was always hungry for sugar, that I just didn't want to eat anything else and I had to eat every 2-3 hours or I would go ravenously hungry. She said, "Protein. And meat protein is best. And cut out the sugar." So, for the next week I started to eat protein foods at meals. Well, it worked! I was not as hungry and I was eating less. I decided to explore Paleo stuff at the library and on the internet. I found Dr. Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, and Melissa Joulwan's awesome site and cookbook. So, I went Paleo. Six weeks later, I found Whole30 and now I'm on Day 29!

In short, my success has been total. Arthritis symptoms, gone. Fatigue, gone. Depression, dare I say, gone. I don't know how much I've lost since I'm being a good girl by not weighing myself. I know that I lost 15 before doing Whole30 just doing Paleo, and I feel like I've lost weight on top of that now. I've done from a size 16 to a size 12! I look and feel so much better. "Better" is just an understatement. I feel like a new woman.

What I've learned: A Whole30 is a real treat to your body, mind, and soul. It's not hard; it's a joy. I was not obsessed with desserts for the first time in a decade. My moods are even (you're welcome Mom, coworkers, friends, and husband). I'm not going to stop eating and living this way because my life has been made so much easier by adopting it. I buy local, pastured meat and it's a better quality for not much more money. I've developed a relationship with the farmers. I don't eat out now because I like my food I make at home so much more. I sleep like an angel, now. I have my room all blacked out at night and my bed is a sanctuary. I used to think I could get by on 7 hours of sleep a night and wonder why I was so stressed out and failing at things I tried to do. Sleep has turned that around for me.

What I'm working on: I'm eating a lot of dried fruit and dates, which I'm working to cut back on. I think a little is good, but a whole bag of dried mango in a night is creeping up toward my old lifestyle habits. More vegetables. I like veggies! I just go through a whole day without eating many of them. Ha! So, I'm redoubling my efforts and eating a salad a day now.

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Thank you so much, everyone! Your kind words mean so much to me. :)

Now, I'm doing another Whole30 to fine tune my eating for what I believe is IBS. I learned so much about my body after doing the W30; I noticed that after I would eat things like coconut manna, apricots, broccoli, and cauliflower, I would have horrible gas. I really want to get rid of that for this month so I can see what other benefits I can gain. Wish me luck!! B)

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