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Post WO is meal 3....fat?


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I'm not an athlete but I do go to crossfit regularly.  Two to three days of the week I go to class after a 10 hour work day at 5:30PM.  I get home about 7, which is when I'd like to have my dinner meal.  The last two nights I've eaten chicken with butternut squash and applesauce one night and then with carrots and potatoes in a sort of stew the second night.  I didn't add additional fat other than what was used in the cooking.  Is that okay or, since it's my dinner meal should I add additional fat.  I don't eat anything after this meal. 



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You are not eating enough if you combine a post-workout meal and meal 3. A post-workout meal is bonus food and it needs to be consumed at the gym because the opportunity to get lean protein to your muscles when they are especially ready to eat can't wait until you get home. To maximize your recovery from a workout and to get the amount of nourishment your body needs when you workout, you need two meals. What you eat at the gym should include lean protein and no fat. You should eat fat as part of your meal 3 even if you eat it 30 minutes after your post-workout meal. The lean protein will already be on its way and the fat you eat later will not slow it down. 

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  • 4 months later...

I have a smilier question...I go to Xfit 3x week.  Those workouts are always followed immediately by a meal.  2 days its dinner -- waiting and ready for me at home 15 min after the workout.  1 day it's lunch also 15-30 min after the workout.


I have finished my first W30 and did not do ANY pre/post wo meals.  Partly bc i couldn't coordinate how and what and partly bc i was on a break from Xfit for injury.  I am still a XFIT newbie (month 4).


With all that said - do I really need a PRE workout meal?  Or can't i just use the lunch/dinner meals to refuel body?


I leave work at 5pm and drive an hour to XFIT.  XFIT 6-7pm and get home at 7:15 to dinner waiting.  Isn't that good enough?  Sample dinner menu is a large bowl of raw veggies (Bok choy cukes carrots snap peas red cabbage etc) with salmon, 1/2 avocado, and chimichurri sauce and  Mandarin orange.


Thanks for clarifying.


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No, you don't necessarily need the preWO - just ensure you are eating enough protein/fat at the previous meal to see you through.

You DO however need the postWO - a few bites of a lean protein & optional starchy carbs in the gym as soon as you are done is suffice - then you can drive home & eat your last meal of the day.

Combining postWO and meal three will slow down absorption of vital nutrients from the protein to your muscles & will slow your recovery & most likely leave you fatigued.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can i add in here? i'm half way through my first whole30. i have been eating a Pre-WO meal usually a mix of almond butter, an egg, nuts, trying to get raw veggies in there, or a piece of fruit. i commute by bus and train to work so i feel like i'm already packing my fridge in my gym bag so i walk home from crossfit and make dinner or reheat. so now i'm seeing that's not correct. but what can i pack that isn't something i need to keep cold and is easy to carry and not too expensive? (and not tuna from a can).  I've been getting little side stitches in my left side under the diaphragm wondering if this is a sign of being fatigued or something? i'm trying to drink more water but it's not helping. the side stitches are happening before i even get to crossfit. like even in the morning i walk to the bus and get it. 

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Hoo boy, if I ate what you listed (mix of almond butter, egg, nuts, raw veggies, fruit...do you mean all of those or one/two of those?) I'd have side stitches too. Does it feel like it could be bloating? Or could be you mildly pulled or fatigued a muscle, and it's not food related?


I've had luck with eggs keeping good over time not chilled. Poached are my favorite for digestion, and I've had good luck with salt brined eggs not upsetting my stomach before a run. Both light and easy to carry. I've also put chicken breast in the freezer, then let it thaw over time during the day until I'm ready to eat. 

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no i try to have 2 of each so a veg and nuts or fruit and almond butter. not all at once. and i get the side stitch before i have it. i'll have the small meal late in the afternoon. so i'm getting this issue before i have it.

The common denominator here is nuts which are notoriously hard on the digestive system...

That said you mentioned that the pains are starting BEFORE your preWO so what do the rest of your meals look like throughout the day?

Veg & fruit are not really recommended for preWO by the way as they provide an immediate energy source for your body rather than encouraging it to first tap into your fat stores for fuel.

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