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Night sweats


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I have done two Whole 30's now, re-introductions and generally eat a Whole 30 diet.  Basically, I eat compliant in my home and don't worry about things like sauces, added sugar on a meat, etc. when/if I go out to eat.  However, there are times when I do go 'off plan' for a meal - pizza typically being the culprit because although I don't feel great the next day, it is at times 'worth it' to me.  However, I've noticed lately that if I do eat something heavily off plan, I have night sweats that evening.


I've read on the forum before that night sweats are commonly a hormone imbalance... but would that be accurate for just one day/meal of off-road eating?  Or, is this just another side effect of a food that I'm intolerant too (I'm thinking gluten b/c that would be the item I definitely don't include in my diet, but pizza is heavy in!)?  Or, something else?


I realize this isn't a big issue and I can control the night sweats by just not eating this food, but it just makes me wonder what my body is trying to tell me... if it is trying to tell me anything other than simply, don't eat pizza!

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Night sweats can also come from increased metabolic activity at night (not ideal, because you're supposed to be resting!).  ANY large meal near bedtime can be problematic.  You could a) just skip the pizza (or see what happens if you have it at lunch time vs. supper time) or B) experiment with other large meals in the evening to see if anything else brings on the night sweats.


You're your own scientific experiment!




-Lauren (GGG)

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Night sweats can also come from increased metabolic activity at night... ANY large meal near bedtime can be problematic.  

This would certainly be true for a protein heavy meal as protein has a thermogenic effect on the body (twice that of fats & carbohydrates). Roughly 25% of it's energy is generated as heat during the digestion process, so yeah, best to avoid huge chunks of meat before bedtime!!

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I have done two Whole 30's now, re-introductions and generally eat a Whole 30 diet.  Basically, I eat compliant in my home and don't worry about things like sauces, added sugar on a meat, etc. when/if I go out to eat.  However, there are times when I do go 'off plan' for a meal - pizza typically being the culprit because although I don't feel great the next day, it is at times 'worth it' to me.  However, I've noticed lately that if I do eat something heavily off plan, I have night sweats that evening.


I've read on the forum before that night sweats are commonly a hormone imbalance... but would that be accurate for just one day/meal of off-road eating?  Or, is this just another side effect of a food that I'm intolerant too (I'm thinking gluten b/c that would be the item I definitely don't include in my diet, but pizza is heavy in!)?  Or, something else?


I realize this isn't a big issue and I can control the night sweats by just not eating this food, but it just makes me wonder what my body is trying to tell me... if it is trying to tell me anything other than simply, don't eat pizza!

How about trying a gluten free pizza crust? 

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If you want to experiment and measure the results:

  • Try a gluten free pizza crust (this tests the gluten)
  • Try the toppings on sweet potato (this tests the topping)

Annoyingly, pizza has so many parts, it could be anything, or it could just be the combination.


Manufactured meat can have a bunch of weird stuff in it too, or even just high levels of salt. Someone I know drinks water like a fish for 2 days after they eat pizza :lol: they like anchovies ​

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