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Hi all,


I am on Day 3 of my first Whole30.  Things have been going surprisingly well in regards to compliance and physical symptoms, however, I am finding that my anxiety is driving me CRAZY! 


Background: I have always been an anxious person, and although it's never been so severe that I have needed medication, when things are bad it certainly interferes with my enjoyment of life and make me irritable with people I care about, etc.  Generally, when I feel anxious about my new job, or have stress about my busy schedule, or am in any way feeling emotionally sub-optimal, I have a snack.  Usually junk food.  


Now, on Whole30, that "escape route" is unavailable to me and I am REALLY feeling it.  My chest is always fluttery, my hands occasionally get the tingles, and my irritability level is slowly climbing.  (And I know that these are symptoms of my anxiety and not an underlying medical condition, in case anyone would wonder).  


I'm hoping I am not the only person who has experienced this.  Thankfully, the actual cravings have been minimal, plus I am so horrified at how blatantly I have been treating my anxiety with snacks that my resolve to stick to the plan and BREAK this cycle is getting stronger by the day, so right now I'm not too worried about falling off the wagon.


However, if anyone has a similar story and has found ways to redirect their anxiety or invented some healthier ways to cope, I would love to hear them.  Thanks!

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#1: Everyone is going to want you to post your food for a day or two, as accurately as you can, so we can see if there's room for improvement in any area.

#2: You most certainly are not alone. What you are feeling is very real, and there are reasons for it -- it's just a matter of getting to the bottom of those reasons.

I suspect that you are not eating enough, and specifically I suspect not enough FAT.

It may be helpful if you tell us what your diet looked like pre-Whole 30. And trust me, no judgement here -- we all just want to help. :)

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You are certainly not alone with anxiety and it's not in your head, it's a biological event.


Make sure you are getting enough starchy veg with each meal, a sweet potato with each meal would be good if you're not feeling good right now.

Blood sugar drops can be triggers for anxiety and starchy veg helps to maintain a stable blood sugar, without the spikes and dips of fruit which can lead to further "roller coasters" of up and down. Adding fat to your starchy veg helps to slow the absorption and give you even more stability, as well as providing enough fuel for you to last between meals.


Keep a food log and note the times you're feeling the most anxious, I suspect it's between meals because you're not getting enough food.

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Aside from the good food advice you have already gotten, it sounds like you have some work to do on developing new coping/stress management strategies. You had been using food, but now you have to learn and practice other skills. Strategies that you might use include meditation, calling a friend, taking a walk, exercise, etc.

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All good advice above.  And I would describe anxiety AS an underlying medical condition!  Illnesses that have a mental component are illnesses just the same!


I highly recommend a form of exercise - it helps my mood by boosting endorphins and gives me a feeling of productivity and satisfaction at accomplishing a task, all of which help to combat anxiety.


Here's hoping the Whole30 will bring you healing both physically through the foods you eat AND mentally/emotionalyy through exploring your relationship with food.




-Lauren (GGG)

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This topic helped me too- I am having very bad anxiety as of the morning of day 7 of my Whole30. This is a major moment for me- I am realizing how much my body physiologically must have counted on chocolate and other 'high reward' foods. My mother just advised me over the phone to 'just eat a little chocolate- don't be so extreme...' which made me more irritated. (I am 45 years old, by the way...)

Would you tell a heroine addict to have a little hit???

Fortunately: I just made myself a sweet potato with some ghee and a side of chicken salad (chopped up with arugula and other veg) for my breakfast. So I am already following the advice given above.

I am feeling all the more determined because I don't really want to go through this sugar slaying again...

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I can tell you from personal experience that the biggest step to getting "over" anxiety is not being afraid to have it. I used to have terrible panic attacks several times a week. Once I recognized what they were, what they were not, and then realized there was nothing to be afraid of, they stopped. I still get the tingles in my lips and hands occasionally, like you mentioned, but they go away very quickly once I acknowledge them for what they are. Take a deep breath, splash your face with cold water and then move on. 


I know that sounds easier said than done, but it really does work. Also, all the constant focusing on food, at the beginning of your Whole30, is probably the culprit (I totally get that). I have started doing something that is going to sound totally crazy--I bought an adult coloring book. Research is showing that it takes your mind to the same place that meditation does. I also started doing some yoga, but I suck at it, so that's not a huge stress relief yet.


Hugs to you. You'll get through this!

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When my anxiety used to be so bad to the point where I couldn't sleep, my therapist recommended I listen to these meditations.  They are great for beginners because she talks you through the whole thing.  You can just pop your headphones in no matter where you are and calm your mind :) 




I would also suggest making a "feel good" playlist to listen to while going for a walk.  Hope this helps!

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