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Sleeping in.. late breakfast


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On weekends I often sleep in until 1030 or so, so breakfast isn't usually until about 1130. At that rate i am not hungry until the evening. Am i better off having a late lunch and then having a fairly late dinner (8-830pm) or just skipping lunch since I am not really hungry mid afternoon and having an early dinner... 

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The three meals a day made to the template (linked below) are the minimum an adult human needs to eat, so it's not a good idea to skip a meal.

Im not sure what your bedtime routine is to eat a late dinner like that but you could probably eat a mini meal in between breakfast and dinner.

Also, and I know you didn't ask for this advice, but keeping a 7 day a week wake up time is really good sleep hygiene and your hormones will really thank you. Maybe you could try getting up at your normal time, eating breakfast and then if necessary taking a nap in the afternoon... that would get you your three meals a day, and a consistent wake up time....

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SugarcubeOD thanks! I am working on balancing my hormones so I will definitely try to be more consistent. Most of the time I do keep a pretty regular wakeup time but Ill make sure I don't fall back asleep on weekends when I have nowhere to be.





Christabel I am usually the same way... Wake up at about 6am regardless of what I have going on, but on weekends I tend to just lie in bed and fall back to sleep... probably not the best use of time haha
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