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clarification on fat


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I've tried googling this and can't get an answer.  So here's my question, if I cook my eggs in olive oil do I still eat an avocado?  I sometimes wonder if I'm doubling fat because I use a fat to cook my meat.  Do I still add a fat if I use a fat in the pan?  (knowing that not all of it comes out of the pan).  Thanks!

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You kind of answered your own question.  :) 

As you stated, when you saute, much of the cooking fat stays behind in the pan. You may need to compensate afterward by adding more fat after cooking.  Use satiety as your guide: you want to build meals of protein, veg and fat that satiate you for 4-5 hours. If your meals are lasting you shorter than that, add more fat. If longer, cut back.  

And yes, this question has been asked countless times before. Easiest way to search the forum is from Google. Type http://forum.whole30.com: followed by whatever you're looking for. You'll get links to past discussion threads.

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