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Accidentally consumed dextrose


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Day 21...we normally don't use iodized salt,but picked some up yesterday.my husband didn't read the label and put it in the shaker this morning..I put it on breakfast and lunch..read the label while cooking dinner and it contains dextrose among other(possibly compliant things). Who would have thought?! Restart? We are normally really good label readers :/

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I remembered reading it after I freaked out and found it in the book. What is sodium silicoaluminate? That and potassium iodide are in it.


Sodium silicoaluminate is added to salt to keep it from clumping up. Potassium iodide is what makes the salt "iodized" -- iodine in some form started being added to salt a long time ago to help prevent iodine deficiencies, which would result in health problems in large parts of the population. (And dextrose is added to iodized salt to help prevent the iodide from evaporating out of the salt.)  All of these are okay for Whole30, but you can definitely find salts without it. 

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