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Food combo question (white potato and spaghetti squash)


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I do Crossfit during my lunch break. I do not do a post workout meal, as I eat lunch right after. I've been doing either a very vegetable dense spaghetti sauce (veggies pureed in) with meat, over spaghetti squash and a small baked potato with ghee or today, I did bbq (paleo homemade sauce) beef with peppers, over spaghetti squash with a very small baked potato and ghee. 


Is it ok to have these two foods together or is too "carby"?

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Spaghetti squash is not considered a carb dense vegetable... it's in the category of non starchy carbs (just like most other vegetables).

It's your decision whether you want to eat squash and potato together.  Do you feel good after you eat it? Energetic or in the slumps? 


Also, I know you didn't ask but you should be eating a post workout meal right after you work out... just a few bites of a lean protein and carb dense vegetable and then go ahead and eat lunch... if you dont' do this, you're denying yourself an earned meal and limiting your recovery time.  You don't want to eat fats in the first 30 min after working out as it prevents your body properly using the protein and carbs that you give it in your after workout meal, so you may need to adjust your timing a bit so you can fit both the post workout and lunch in.

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Thank you for your reply. I guess I haven't been doing a post workout meal, as I work from home and am home within fifteen minutes of finishing Crossfit. I'm then eating in less than 30 minutes. Do you think I should be taking something to the gym with me to eat on the way home?


I feel ok eating the squash and potato, other than the usual post workout fatigue. I just know that at that point, I majorly need some carbs, as I don't eat any with my breakfast. 


Thanks again!

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I do CrossFit on Fridays, then drive home and have dinner. It's a ~20-25 minute drive. Before I leave, usually while sitting in the car, I'll have 2-3 bites of usually chicken breast and sweet potato. Definitely not enough to even remotely put me off my dinner, but enough to give me a little boost. My recovery's been really good since about week 2 of my Whole30.

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When I worked out in a CrossFit gym, I ate a can of sardines and some baked sweet potato at the gym as I cooled down. Then I drove 15 minutes back to my home, prepared lunch, and ate it with 45 minutes of my workout. I was hungry by the time my lunch was ready. :)

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If you want some more carbs with your breakfast (or any other meal), go ahead and have some.

Some people need more than others, some prefer them at particular times of the day.


Some people like extra potatoes, either sweet or white, but there's also carrots, beets and other root veggies.

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