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Valentines Day!


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Hello! By Valentines Day I will be on day 14!


I'm doing GREAT so far. Making all my meals, eating three meals a day, and feeling good. I even went to a Super Bowl party and didn't bat an eye at the food! (okay maybe I did bat an eye, but I didn't eat anything. I brought my OWN!)


But why am I scared of Valentines day?


Truth be told I don't even have a date for that day. I don't have plans. But Boy am I ALREADY craving the chocolate and treats that come with the day. 


Do you have any food tips for me? Maybe something that I could make that might help satisfy this? Can I make a fruit salad? 

Will I be better by then since its day 14?

What are you going to do?


Maybe I'll buy roses for myself....

Thanks ! 

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Don't make fruit salad... all that's going to do is wake up the sugar dragon and make it more difficult in the long run (or even in the short run).

Make a nice dinner full of wonderful fats like olives and avocado... eat to satiety, clean up the kitchen, make a cup of tea and enjoy yourself.


I'm going to basically do the same thing altho it's the cat's birthday on Sunday so he'll be getting a treat of some sort... I used to eat cupcakes on his birthday to help him celebrate but this year we'll just snuggle more.


Don't let the media and the marketers make you feel like Sunday is the only day you can have chocolate and candy and if you don't, you're doing it wrong.  If you don't, you're actually doing it RIGHT by honoring yourself, your health and the commitment you made to yourself.  What better way to show yourself love than that!

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You could have fruit, but it may not be your best option when you're craving sweets. What I would do is plan to make yourself something really yummy that day. Maybe it's a favorite recipe you've already tried, or maybe something you've been meaning to try but it sounded like it might be a lot of trouble. I'm partial to a nice steak when I want to have something special, maybe with a baked sweet potato and a salad, or maybe with these green beans. You could definitely have a little fruit with this meal if you wanted, but sometimes when we're craving sweet stuff anyway, and we have something sweet, even fruit, we end up craving more sweets, so just pay attention to that. 


Even if you're eating alone, you can set your table -- buying yourself some flowers is a great idea. Use your good dishes, if you have some. For a beverage, have some kombucha, or some sparkling water with some lemon or lime -- put it in a pretty glass. Use a cloth napkin, sit down and enjoy your meal with no distractions. 


Or, if you have other friends with no dates, invite them over for an un-Valentine's dinner, and make a variety of Whole30 compliant foods, watch movies or play games or whatever you and your friends do for fun (my friends and I mostly craft, so we'd probably have the paints and markers and colored pencils out, but whatever works for you). 


For non-food things, if you want to take the focus off of that, you could treat yourself to a mani-pedi, or buy yourself some new magazines or a book to read, or take a bubble bath, or treat yourself to a nice lotion or soap or new nail polish (I'm making a pretty big assumption here that you're female, males might find some of these less appealing). 

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I have banned candy and sweets from Valentine's Day in the house. The kids can eat some candy if they receive it at school but they are not handing it out.

Going forward, I'm dissociating candy and food in general from almost every holiday except Thanksgiving. We are cutting way back on sugar, and I don't need marketers and displays telling me to buy bags of candy to celebrate everything.

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I started my Whole30 on February 1st as well! I'm planning on making one of my favorite Whole30 meals (either chicken meatballs on top of spaghetti squash or pork carnitas with creamed kale) for Valentine's Day, and I'm going to make it feel extra special by using our wedding china, lighting candles, and making one of the fun sparkling water drinks at the end of the Whole30 book and serving it in a fancy glass :)

I'm trying to cut back on spending money, but if I wasn't I would get a super delicious steak! Good luck to you!

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