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Day 27 and.....


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So for a month before starting whole 30 I fully explained, reiterated, begged, etc the rules of whole 30. I know specifically going over the no sweeteners part at least 20 times. We are on day 27 and I was wondering why my husband's sweet tooth and need for excessive seasoning hadn't changed. But I thought maybe he's just delayed, or maybe it won't change. I hop I the car today and see a mostly consumed canister of sugar free gum in the car. Yep he was so proud of himself cuz it was sugar free. You can literally imagine the frustration with this. Day 27, fighting him the whole way about rules. Dealing with his pouty attitude about what he can drink. Carefully planning meals around his pathetic attempts at trying new things.Not sure why sugar free gum was ok but not adding aspartame to his iced tea wasn't. Can I just admit to someone I really really really want to punch him? Like Fist of Whole 30 Fury

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Take a really deep breath.....and another one.


I've been there.  Really I have.  My SO supposedly "did" a whole 30 with me.  He had wine on day 13, and birthday cake on day 17.  And he kept on saying that he was doing a whole 30.  I nagged him, and explained things - but it was like I was talking to a wall - was he eating better - yes he was.  I gave him credit there.  But outright told him that he couldn't say that he was doing a whole 30, because he wasn't.  He was doing his own thing.  


So stop getting angry and just give him credit for doing better.  Guys don't generally get into the rules and regulations like we do.  To them they are just eating better - and that's all that matters to them.


Yes I know what it feels like want to strangle your SO - but don't like that anger get in the way of acknowledging the positive changes he HAS made....

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  Guys don't generally get into the rules and regulations like we do.  To them they are just eating better - and that's all that matters to them.



I think I would change this to 'Some people generally don't get into the rules and regulations like we Whole30'ers do.  To them, they are just eating better - and that's all that matters to them.'

There are plenty of guys on this forum and out in the wild that have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the rules and recommendations just as there are plenty of women who have done the same... there are also plenty of women that make concessions because they don't really care about the rules... it's not about male or female...


Sorry to cause a scene about this but it's a really huge pet peeve of mine... 

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Im not overly upset. Just that initial "are you kidding me" response. I literally got rid of everything non whole 30 in our house to avoid situations like this.

I'm totally proud of him for eating better, don't get me wrong, but he was the reason we were even doing the whole 30 top start with.

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I know the moment would probably be like - Really?  REALLY?????


The thing is with me is that I do it for my own health. But my SO should be doing it for him as well.  He had a heart attack late in 2014 (he was only 42) and basically will live off of carbs and fruit (I am talking about 7 pieces of fruit a day) if you let him. Let's just say his idea of doing a whole 30 is not my idea of doing a whole 30.  He will "technically" do a whole 30 for a number of days - eating only 2 eggs for breakfast, or another day he will just have a banana.  They are technically whole 30 foods - but he was not embracing the true spirit of things.  And it was driving me bananas.  Because I am an all or nothing type of personality.


But then I realized - as concerned for his health as I am (and I AM HUGELY CONCERNED) He is full grown adult and he has every right to muddle through things in his own way - despite my opinions etc.  


I will do my own thing, and he will do his.  And I will let him do things his way.  However I generally do get on his case for eating as many dried figs as he does.


Is learning that your husband was chewing sugar free gum frustrating - yep - you doggone sure it is.  But it's a learning curve for him too.  And everyone learns at different levels.  I am learning this too. 

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I am on Day 5 of my second round of Whole30.  My husband said last Friday - Hey, I want to do a Whole 30. I was like great, because I failed at my second round in January.  I asked him if he read the book etc.  Nope, Nope and Nope. He wants to elimated sugar.  I was like well it is a litte more than just eliminating sugar.  But Okay lets do this.  So last night he casually mentioned that he put sugar in his coffee.  I was pissed.  Now mind you he does not have any health problems - yet.  No weight problem - lucky.  So irritiating.  BUT he eats/drinks a ton of sugar every day.  So, putting sugar in his coffee and just doing that is still amazing for him. Then he says he bought some sugar free gum. LOL!  Oh Lord.  So after I quietly said well thats against the rules and technically you are not doing Whole30....


So this morning he says well I may not be doing Whole30 but I feel like I am doing Whole29 1/2.  I had to laugh.  He has given up a lot in 5 days and I just have to let me do his own thing.  It isn't Whole30 but it is better than what he was doing.  Even though it is Day 5 and I want to punch him in the face!  :D

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