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Today is Day 35 and this is my first post.


I had no negative side effects UNTIL day 29. I had terrible diarrhea (water really) all day on day 29. For the last 6 days, I've had diarrhea every day and today it's really bad again (water).


I've had Hashimoto's for 6 years and read that eggs and nightshade vegetables could cause sensitivities for me and may need to be eliminated after completing my Whole30. I suspect eggs to be the culprit, so I plan to eliminate them starting now. Should I go ahead and eliminate eggs and nightshade vegetables all at once and then reintroduce them one at a time? Or should I start by eliminating eggs only and if the problem continues, start eliminating nightshade vegetables one at a time?

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You could start with eggs, and if that helps, great -- see how you go with just no eggs for a while.


If I suspected I needed to eliminate nightshades, I'd probably eliminate them all at once until I felt better, and then re-introduce them one at a time. If they are an issue for you, you'll get relief faster that way than just slowly eliminating them. 

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You might want to consult your doctor, just to make sure there isn't a bug or food-borne illness contributing.  Six days and a sudden onset doesn't seem like a standard food sensitivity reaction.


ThyPeace, though yes, there are many people who have had that kind of reaction to foods.  Still, it doesn't hurt to check out other possibilities.

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