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Need a little help with kids


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Our family began the Whole30 after we arrived back home from spring break.  My daughter has been awesome!  She's 10 and she ate all kids of foods before the Whole30 anyway.  She has been very compliant with the rules and I haven't seen any negative affects from her journey.  I've definitely seen positive though and she has seen the positive as well which makes it easy for her and me!


My oldest however, isn't so happy about the program.  He is my carb, sweet junkie.  We have seen AMAZING results from the change in his diet (and if he's honest, he's seen them too).  He has Sensory Processing Disorder and hasn't been able to follow a morning routine since Kindergarten without my husband and I telling him every step and even then he had trouble.  He also picked on his siblings after he was ready because he didn't really know what else to do.  ALL THAT BEHAVIOR STOPPPED THE FIRST WEEK ON THE PROGRAM!  His behavior has been amazing in regards to morning routine! And we've praised him!  BUT, he is just mad about food.  We are on week two and now he's just ticked.  He won't try anything and has stopped eating lunch.  I pack him lunch every day.  Our school doesnt have a lunch room.  I've packed him healthy compliant foods that he normally would eat, but he's not eating....at all!  I don't want him to hate this new way of looking at food as fuel for our bodies and I don't want him to NOT EAT.  He's a super active kids with basketball and tennis and under weight for his age.


Our family is super active and we eat healthy to a point, we just got into a bad habit of allowing "treats" after dinner, on the weeekneds, or when good things happen!  None of us is overweight but we are not as healthy as we could be either.  


I know that bread, tortillas, muffins, etc are technically not allowed on the plan for the 30days.  Even if you can make them compliant.  BUT, I'm wondering if it will help my oldest if I can allow him a paleo biscuit or compliant tortilla here and there.  Maybe he won't be so upset.  Don't get me wrong, we are and pretty strict parents and don't let the kids dictate the rules, but I don't want him to HATE a healthy liftstyle either.  I get the science and I get the benefits but he doesnt.  I shouldn't say "doesn't" becasue I can reason with him and he sees his behavior is great but he doesn't see the GREATER PICTURE.  What do I do?  Complie fully and say "suck it up" or give him a little reward because he has been "sucking it up"


Any advise would be welcome!

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Here are a ton of articles on Whole30 with kids written by the founders of the program as well as some guest posters... perhaps you can find in here some suggestions with how to deal with your son?

How old is he?  Is he asking for the biscuit or tortilla?  maybe you can get him to help decide what he wants to eat for lunch or go to the grocery store with you and pick out something he's interested in? 



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Paleo pancakes etc are off limits for adults, but are actually okay for kids.

I know I'd rather see my sons eat compliant foods in a non compliant way (SWYPO) than see them go off the rails and eat out & out junk behind my back.

Given that he has the sensory issues & you have seen such improvement in his behaviour so far I'd be hesitant to let him fall back into those old bad habits - even if it means letting him have the odd paleo pizza/pancake...


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When we did Whole30 as a family, we made paleo pancakes for the kids on the weekend and paleo cupcakes for them to take to parties they were attending.  We wanted them to break away from the sugar issues and eat healthier which they did.  The paleo treats didn't trigger that same yearning for junk food that typical treats do.  We, the adults, stuck to the Whole30 guidelines for all the reasons that one is drawn to this, but for the kids - we tried to keep it about eating clean foods and eating healthy and not about restrictions or diets.  

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