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Miserable Melissa - why!?

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It's Day 6 and it can be summed up as: Miserable Melissa. :angry:



Miserable might be an understatement. I am raging in my head today. Suddenly my house is too messy, there is too much to do, and I'm hungry but I don't want to eat. I don't miss the taste of things like bread as much I'm missing the texture of them. My ancestral-Viking side of me is being ridiculously stubborn and saying "Fine, if I don't get to eat that crap then I'll eat nothing at all!" and Willpower Warrior is okay with that, because at least I'm avoiding the leftover lunch makings that are strewn all over the kitchen counter.


I swallowed scrambled eggs whole, gagged on leftover ratatouille so didn't eat it. I feel like a baby in a highchair. I want to push the spoon away from my mouth, dump the bowl on the floor and blow razzberries just to emphasize my thoughts and feelings about this whole idea. I went to have a nap, fell asleep dreaming of pizza hoping to wake with renewed energy to eat leftover soup and find the energy to get on with cleaning. Instead, I was woken to one of my kids asking if they could please have some popcorn. ARGH!!!


So here I am, sitting on the computer griping to you guys about it after I angrily grabbed stupid snap peas from the fridge, tossed some boring old almonds in a bowl and reheated thai chicken soup. The peas are popping in my mouth no problem but my Viking self is still whining about the soup..... :unsure:


What can I do to entice myself to want to eat!?

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I'm sorry, I laughed at your plight... it's not funny but you did a very good job of writing about it so that we really feel your pain.

Entice yourself to eat with something (compliant) that you like... have a burger... steak? chicken wings? You don't have to have crazy meals or weird random things you find on the internet... you CAN have your old faves, you just need to make sure you make them compliant. As far as the 'if I can't have what I want, I won't eat at all'... you are best to squash that right now. Your appetite is driven by your metabolism... if you stop eating because you're mad (or any other reason), your body gears down your appetite, which gears down your eating, which gears down your... get me?? Eat 3 meals a day 4-5 hours apart... find things you like (uh, have you tried just putting home made mayo on EVERYTHING?... that'd do it for me) and work on finding some things you like.

It's totally normal that this is happening, it's your brain trying to get you to go back to old comfortable habits, but you're in charge, not your tantrum fueled brain... right?

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Thank you SugarCubeOD. Yesterday was something else, that's for sure. I'm so glad I have this board to vent to because I think it's the only thing that helped push me through that wall. I took your advice about eating "old favorites" and pretended I was having spaghetti. I have to say, I thought for sure zucchini noodles wouldn't cut it but I was pleasantly surprised. My afternoon ended much better, supper was zucchini noodles with leftover chili on them, some sweet potato, pepper strips and avocado and I turned into a happy camper again. I don't think I'm 100% out of the woods yet but you hit the nail on the head, I think part of me feels since I'm cooking all the time I'm making meals that I wouldn't necessarily make and are so far removed from my old eating habits. I will homemake mayo-it-up!! Thank you!

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