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Do coconut aminos have to be raw?

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So I am from Canada and I saw on the coconut secret website that the coconut aminos in Canada are labelled as "soy free seasoning sauce" to be in compliance with the CIFA regulations and that they are not raw as they must be pasteurized to remain stable during shipping. I noticed on the bottle I got that the ingredients list differs slightly from the American version:

Canadian version: Organic coconut tree sap, sea salt

American version: Organic coconut tree sap aged and blended with sun dried, mineral rich sea salt

I know this may seem silly and very picky, but my question is, is this still the same product? And is it still compliant if it is not raw? I am only on day three of my first (technically second; this is a restart having accidentally eaten sulfites on day 20 of my previous) whole30 and I have vowed to remain as compliant as possible.

Thank you so much for any advice/help!

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