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Family dinner planned for 4th round of reintro


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I printed out a calendar to help me plan my reintroduction phase. I realized that on my fourth round of reintro, which I had planned to try gluten grains, my family has planned dinner at a Brazilian steakhouse. I would love to just be able to eat without asking a million questions about the food prep, though I know I'll still be hyper aware of other things I shouldn't have. I was thinking I would switch the order and make gluten grains my third reintro and hold off on dairy because know it causes some tummy upset anyway. Could I have my dinner out, then go back to Whole 30 for a couple days, and then try dairy and later any other reintros I need to do (I.e. alcohol)? Thanks!

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Yes, you can do your re-intro in whatever order you want but for the steakhouse, you may want to ask about soy... unless you've already re-introd that and it worked out ok... 

And when you do your re-intro/steak dinner, don't give yourself a timeline on when you go to the next thing... base it on how you feel... you might need a couple days, you might need a week... 

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