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Starting Monday, 08 August


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I'm so excited! I am starting my first Whole30 on Monday, 08 August. I'm tempted to jump in and start right now, but I can already see that preparation is one of the keys to success on this program. 


I ordered both books from Amazon this morning and I've found some menu plans and recipes online that look helpful. I want to have at least a week's worth of menus made out before I start, preferably longer. I'm kind of a project management and logistics geek, so this ought to be fun!


My biggest challenge is going to be my beloved husband. He's starting with me, but I'll be surprised (no, shocked) if he lasts a week. He has serious physical dependency issues with caffeine -- and he doesn't like most veggies and fruits. Of course, he supports me and wants me to do well and be healthy, but I am imagining the day when he wants French fries with dinner or a candy bar while I'm at the store. 


I have a million health challenges: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia -- and I've recently been referred to a neurologist to rule out MS. I'm seriously overweight, too. I'm hoping this will kick off some weight loss, but more importantly, I'm looking forward to less pain and better blood sugar and blood pressure numbers. 


My goals for my first round of W30 are:

  • Complete the 30-day program in, well, 30 days!
  • Have menus prepared for each week, in advance of starting that week.
  • Subscribe to the daily email.
  • Post in the forums daily, if only on my personal log.
  • Do a proper re-introduction at the end of my program.
  • Do week-end meal prep. 

If anyone else is staring on Monday, 08 August, I'd love to hear from you. Maybe we can support each other!

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I know some people will think that replying to my own post is weird, but I've been called weird before!


I've gotten both my books. I read Whole30 almost cover-to-cover. I stopped with the word-for-word reading when I got to the recipes. I've looked at most of them. Now, I just need to read the stuff at the very end.


I got ISWF today. What an eye opener! I think it's going to be much easier for me to stay clean on those days when I don't feel so good after reading the why behind the how. I was shocked -- and strangely comforted -- by the psychological section. It lifted a weight of guilt and self-recrimination off of my shoulders. 


I talked to my Primary Care Physician today about Whole30. She wasn't really familiar with it, but said she trusted my judgement to proceed, and we talked about how to manage my insulin and my oral medications for diabetes. She also agreed to run some lab tests for me, to measure my blood insulin level and a couple of different inflammation markers. And, she can't wait to see me in three months! I've got high hopes, and I can't wait to show her how far I've come by then.


I think before my next visit, I'm going to send her a copy of ISWF, not only so that she'll have a better understanding of what I'm doing, but so that maybe she'll begin to recommend it to others. I haven't even started, and I already feel better!

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I've ended up pushing my start date back one day because something came up that took my time and energy for Sunday, so I'm not properly prepared. I don't think I have it in me to go do a major grocery shopping, put it all away and do even a minimal amount of prep work. 

Good luck on your start! 

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Way to go!! I started Aug 8th, I planned a couple small modifications to my Whole30 as I'm breastfeeding but so far so good.  It feels great to be eating healthy and I hope to kick my sweet tooth! Hope your first day went well!

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