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Started Aug 20


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Im on day five  Whole30 and a 30 day Hot yoga challenge, I needed inspiration not to have something, anything!  I cheeted and got on the scale.[edited by moderator to remove reference to scale] I drink a lot of water because of the yoga, not feeling dehydrated at all.

I think I can make it another day. :D I was up to 183 after 2 years away from Paloe living. 

Happy Carrie 

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HI @Carrroxann & welcome to Whole30

You'll note I've edited your post to remove any reference to your weight. Not weighing is as much of a rule as no grains, no dairy, no alcohol etc & we would ask that you don't report your findings on the forum as it often discourages others on their journey, or encourages others to weigh, not that this was your intention.

Sorry to be such a killjoy on your first post but rules is rules ;)

Keep on keeping on!

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Welcome Carrie, I've made it to Day 6 this morning and I'm kind of surprised at myself. Take it one day at a time and keep remembering what your final goal is - Day 30 - and how much you'll impress those around you, though they may be rolling their eyes at you today.

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