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Lunch Ideas?


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I'm a school teacher and only get 18 minutes for lunch. I need some ideas for lunches that I can eat quickly. I'm on day 12 and have had a salad everyday so far.  (Getting pretty sick of them at this point).  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated it! Thank you!

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All Breakfast ideas translate to Lunch, too. Everything is mix and match.  Bake up white and sweet potatoes. Take your homemade or compliant salsa,  your shredded protein, avocado or mayo. Reheat the tata with protein and add the other fixin's on top. Voila. Three minutes tops and 15 minutes to eat. If you remember the One Potato Two Potato joints, potato was the base and anything else you wanted on top. Cayenne Pepper, fresh herbs and the like.  They were delish. Cooked broccoli or fajita type vegetables, the sky is not the limit with your proteins.

Portable. Doable. Food boredom...control alt delete.

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Hi, @LAC21 - leftovers are highly popular. Lots of us don't even bother to heat them up. Here's a post where I listed all the google searches that will show you awesome ideas and suggestions for lunch ideas that don't take tonnes of time/microwave.



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