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Pregnant...small/mini meals

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I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Sunday and feel nauseous every time I eat.  I don't actually get sick.  I haven't started a round yet (planning to in January) but am trying out many recipes and giving some things up in the mean time.

My doctor has suggested 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals to help with the nausea.  Would I follow the mini meal plan?  So would I just eat protein, veggies, and fat (maybe fruit) but on a smaller scale more times a day?


Also, any suggestions or things you have tried if you were early on in pregnancy doing Whole 30 and only wanting non complain foods.  Eggs make me gag right now :( 

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Congratulations! And I'm sorry you're not feeling great.

If 5-6 small meals a day help, do that -- basically during early pregnancy, when you're having trouble eating due to food aversions and nausea, do whatever makes it possible for you to eat. When you get past this part of pregnancy, you may find that larger meals aren't so bad anymore.

This article has some tips on dealing with food aversion, and this one has some more general tips for pregnant women.

Hopefully some women who have actually been pregnant can give you some more tips on actual things that worked for them.

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A little background - I've been eating more whole 30-ish over the past 4 years than I haven't.  Pregnancy is a whole different ballgame. I'm 18 weeks now. From about 8 weeks to 17 weeks, it was near impossible to eat anything whole 30 complaint.  Just thinking about meat would make me sick sometimes!  I threw up once just prior to putting chicken in a pan.  Veg sounded disgusting. I threw up an entire salad once and haven't gone back.

I always thought food aversions during pregnancy were just mind over matter. Ha, was I wrong!  I always thought I'd be able to eat as healthy during pregnancy but it's been near impossible.  My suggestion is to eat whatever you can right now. Keep food in your tummy.  The more hungry I was, the more nauseous.  The food aversions and nausea will pass. You can eat well then.  Just try to survive the first tri, and challenge your eating when food actually sounds good. 

As for me, I'll be starting another Whole 30 next week at 19 weeks. I'm finally ready, I think. 

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I'm a few days past 33 weeks.  Like Karen, I've been paleo for years with numerous W30s and 60s tossed in there.  In my opinion, pregnancy (especially early pregnancy) is just not the time for a W30.  Why burden yourself with a set of "rules" right now?  Pregnancy is *tough* time to have others telling you what you "should" eat.  But, I think using W30 as a *guide* is a great idea.  Eating real food - veggies when you can, meat when you can, unprocessed carbs, healthy fats - is a FANTASTIC idea though.  

To answer your question, I would assume, that yes, if you were to eat 6 mini meals you'd try to keep them template-based.  


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First of all, congratulations :)

I agree with everything said above! Right after I found out I was pregnant, I could eat most compliant things and they made me feel better than non-compliant food. Then nausea/vomiting and food aversions hit HARD around 7 weeks. Just opening the fridge made me sick, much less cooking or trying to eat things like meat and eggs. I used to think I could just force myself to eat something healthy... that ended horribly. I am just now (at 20 weeks) to the point where I can consistently eat whole30 food again, and I am loving how it makes me feel. I agree that trying to eat compliant mini meals is a great idea, but it is most important thing just to eat something.

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  • 1 month later...

I am 18 weeks and just started my whole 30 yesterday. I found that i get hungry inbetween meals so I usually have a snack. I am hoping that will change once my body adjusts to eating a lot cleaner than I had been, but if it doesn't I am ok with that too. 

I would say go ahead and start if you aren't feeling nauseous and have snacks or mini meals ready in case you need them! 

I have never completed a whole 30 before, but I got to day 21 in August of last year. Hoping to stick to it for January and hopefully a whole 30-ish diet the rest of my pregnancy/breastfeeding

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