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Will Whole30 meet her need?


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My daughter (10) has been placed on carb restriction by her doctor. She isn't in need of loosing weight, but changing her eating to prevent (possible) future illnesses. Would the Whole30 plan meet this need? Again, I am not looking for weight loss I am looking for low carb foods and meal ideas.

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If you're looking only to reduce carbs then I don't see why a Paleo diet wouldn't meet her needs? You'd be removing refined carbs like pasta & breads without the need for over-restriction unless you're planning on doing a Whole30 for reasons of your own along-side her?

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If you're actively needing to keep weight on her, or get her to add weight, there are some tips in this article that could help.

Whole30 isn't meant to be forever, as the rules are pretty strict, but using the meal template for meal/portion sizes as you focus on proteins, vegetables, and fat would definitely be a healthy way to eat, and definitely lower carb than the standard American diet, just due to the lack of grains and added sugars. If there's a particular level of carb intake you need to stay below, you'd need to do some research to see how things like potatoes, sweet potatoes, other root vegetables, and winter squashes would add up, but Whole30 doesn't rule any of those out.

For recipe ideas, using Whole30 recipes or even just general paleo recipes will be lower carb. Nom Nom Paleo has some good recipes, as does Well Fed.


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