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Glucose Test

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I contacted my nurse practitioner through my OBGYN to discuss my upcoming glucose test (Monday) and I asked her if I could take an alternative to the glucose drink (someone suggested 100% fruit juice). She said No, that I can't drink anything other than the drink provided and that I can't eat anything other than protein, no veggies, no healthy fats and I can only drink water (the morning of)... thoughts? I know medical trumps whole30 and this baby comes first but since I have had no sugar for 2 weeks now, how will this affect my testing?!

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I am sensitive to sugar...  I didn't want to risk a medical label based on ingesting large quantities of stuff I do my best to avoid, so I feel you. 

I was originally seeing a nurse midwife and asked about my options. She said the glucola drink was the only option for the 1 hour test. Apparently, guidelines came out recently that said anything other than glucola wasn't as effective. So, she agreed to let me test 4 blood sugars throughout the day - fasting, and 2 hours after each meal. She wanted me to do that for 3 weeks, and 1 level above normal meant I had GD.  I was prepared to do this (my stepson has type 1 and had an extra monitor) BUT I switched to a home birth midwife. She's giving me 100% fruit juice for the 1 hour test.  I've checked my glucose levels a few times here and there and am not concerned I have GD.

Obviously, do what you feel is best, but if you don't want to ingest 50g of sugar at once, there should be an alternative. It just may not be 50g of something else, it may be daily monitoring. Good luck. 

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I wonder if the tests are dictated by the laws in that state. I am a midwife birth assistant  at a birth center in Florida and if indicated our moms have to option to eat a breakfast with protein, carbs, and a fruit juice and then come in for us to draw their blood 2 hours after they finished eating. If they fail this option then they have to do the one hour test with glucola. Not sure if this could be possible for you? Good luck! Yay for babies!

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