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today is the day!!!


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that sounds great, I'm on break at work atm. Do you want to share a little about yourself? I'm really going to have to focus on NOT OVEREATING! It's the hardest thing, I like to eat till I feel full well no wonder I haven't lost the weight from my last pregnancy in 3 years! It's so much easier when I'm at work, easier to control WHAT I BRING and how much. I'm really trying to make myself seriously hungry before eating tho. Sounds like I'm focused on losing weight but really the best thing to get out of this lifestyle change is getting healthier. I already got off of my antidepressant and anti-anxiety meds as of January 1st. so I'm really happy about that. Believe me I was a WITCH while coming off of those but the last couple days have been fantastic, I hope my mood stays this stable!

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Well, clearly I am older than you, but I am a mother of 5, so I have absolutely been where you are.  My hat is off to you for stopping the pregnancy weight gain cycle a lot earlier than I did.  I am 48 and my youngest is 14.  I have been slowly and relatively steadily losing weight for the last decade. I made a decision to make healthier choices and exercise regularly and I haven't looked back. But I hit a lot of road blocks and plateaus. The last 20 pounds ( or really size to size and a half...I broke up with my scale about six months ago) has stumped me though for years. Every previous plateau has been broken by changing SOMETHING. That's why I am doing this. I get frustrated when I am not where I want to be and I work my tail off at the gym (and on the street running). But I kept running across different versions of this: YOU CANT OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET). So I googled 30 day clean eating plan, found several, but whole30 seemed most popular. I bought the books (IT STARTS WOTH FOOD, WHOLE30) and decided that this might be the change for me but it's at least worth a try. The most resounding quote I have read from testimonies is "It's a test of how much respect you have for this one body you have been given" 

I actually am having trouble eating as much as they want us too. After years of calorie counting and MyFitnessPal logging, etc...it is really hard for me to eat these big meals. That should be freeing for you, too.  They don't want you to be hungry. And while the goal is not to need snacks, they seem very ok with it at the beginning...just no fruit. 

Oh, and the first thing I did 10 years ago when I started making healthy choices and exercising regularly was ditch the antidepressants too.  I figured if exercise could give me the same results as the drug, why take drugs? If you have trouble with moodiness, take a walk...I swear that as NEVER not worked for me.  I may not be giddy afterwards, but I ALWAYS feel a lot better.

Nice to "meet" you, btw :)

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i started today as well! got married in September and went from being at my thinnest to eating huge celebratory dinners every night + putting on my winter weight. Need a major reboot, have been on the struggle bus. Hoping to pay more attention to what and why I am eating. I think the hardest part will be avoiding the scale in order to prevent the need for the immediate gratification of results. 


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@Elizabeth Car I broke up with my scale 6 months ago...at the tender age of 47...best thing I ever did. Got on Monday just for the before and after comparison for the first time since July. I read a great book that helped me do it.  It's just a number...and completely unrelated to your health!

@Angela090405 :)  Let's do this! 

'Happy day 5 to you both!  Let's rock our first weekend :D

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