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Is this really for me?


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Hi there!

I am on day 7 of Whole30 and unlike most am having a much harder time than the the beginning of the week. Days 1-4 were tough with headaches and general tiredness, but days 5-7 I've felt super hungry after every meal (not satisfied and somewhat grossed out by eating so much meat) and questioning whether I am not putting enough nutrition in my body. I've also read several articles from nutritionists ranking this as not the best diet because of the lack of whole grains and legumes. Either way, this is getting so hard. I'm eating enough- I was eating the same about the first 4 days and felt perfectly full. Is this my body learning to convert energy out of fat? 


Thanks for for the insight! 


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Also forgot to mention- I typically have bad skin around my chin. The first half of the week it felt so much better and less inflamed. Now it feels 10x more inflamed/oily and I'm not wearing making/still using my amazing organic regimen from Juice Beauty. 

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Julia, I read that recent article, too.  I did. 

We remember #1. Whole 30 is not a diet. It is a Food Reset.  After 30 days, we conduct our own diagnostic testing.  Only 30 days is needed for that.  After 30 days, we create our own way of eating after the Reintro Phase. 

Eliminating dairy, legumes, grains for only 30 days will not cause any food deficiencies.  See the other recent thread about becoming fat adapted. That might help you understand why you're feeling the way you are right now. Stay the course, it's going to get much better. 




There's Melissa's answer. ^^^




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Here is what I ate on the days it started to get tough:



B- 2 eggs, cashews, banana 

L- cauliflower fried rice + chicken + strawberries

D- 3 egg frittata with compliant smoked salmon

Water- 70oz

Sleep- Awful- staying up later than usual because I can't fall asleep



B- clean hashbrowns, scrambled eggs, homemade compliant salsa, 3 turkey bacon 

L- grilled chicken sausage with onions and peppers

D- garlic shrimp, butternut squash "noodles" in Rao's marinara sauce, banana + peanut butter- felt full for about 20 minutes but then so hungry after and just wanted bread. 

Water- 65oz 


1/22- Was in the WORST mood all day. It was almost funny because I had literally nothing to be upset about but was so pissed off and uncomfortable. My skin also went from feeling great the past few days to super inflamed/irritated with new zits. 

B- 2 scrambled eggs, salsa, 3 turkey bacon 

L- leftover garlic shrimp and butternut squash "noodles", orange- would have liked to eat more but eating felt like such a chore

D- roasted cauliflower and potato soup; this was yummier and more satisfying but I felt guilty eating potatoes.. In the past I always opted for bread over potatoes feeling that it was a "useless" carb 

Water- 70oz 


1/23 (Today)

B- smoked salmon and spinach fritata, bacon, breakfast potatoes + fruit salad, black coffee


I woke up today feeling SO tired. I went to bed around 10:30pm last night and woke up several times in the middle of the night as I literally always do. When I woke up I felt like I could sleep for the entire day but had to get up for work.  I am 24 and around 115 pounds. Naturally very thin and slender but have gained fat specifically around my stomach. I am deeply affected by the bad foods I eat in a negative way, and had been eating poorly over the holidays. Sometimes eating the wrong thing makes me need to take a hot bath or lay down in bed. I wonder if my body is experiencing detox effects at Day 9? Either way, I feel crummy again today!


Thanks SO much for the time providing your insight! It's much appreciated.  

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Not at all a mod, but just from looking at your meals, you're not eating enough veggies - you want to be eating 1-3 cups per meal, and probably not enough fat as well. I struggled with feeling full/feeling detox or tired for the first 10 days and discovered I wasn't following the meal plan guidelines well enough. I did WAY better when I did. here's the link, icymi http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

Also, not sure if you knew peanuts were a legume or not, but it could be the peanut butter with your banana that tripped your skin into being oily again and you feeling extra moody (on top of not enough veggies and fats). You might always want to de-prioritize nuts. 

Don't feel guilty eating potatoes! They have WAY more nutrients than bread. 


Best of luck! Stick with it, I started feeling best after day 12

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Ah, thank you Randi! I think I knew I should be eating more veggies but needed to hear it. I've been feeling nutrient deficient and was craving the feeling that I get when I drink Shakeology- so this makes sense.  I'm also feeling a bit better today mentally- reflecting back I think the fact that it was the weekend was really tough since I had a lot of free time and was celebrating an anniversary- a time when we'd usually go out to dinner and pop champagne.  

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Peanuts are definitely a legume and are not allowed on Whole30.  Also, eating some potato (I choose sweet potato) and fat (I cook with a fat, but also add avocado or a little ghee to my meal when I sit down to eat) help for satiety.  Fruit, especially more of the citrus stuff, doesn't provide a lot of long-term energy.  It goes away so fast once it meets your stomach acid, and aside from the micronutrients, they're just sugar.  Ever try to eat a lone apple as a snack?  It doesn't carry you over to the next meal.  Well at least it doesn't work for me, anyway.

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Randi gave you great answers which I won't repeat, but i will say veggies, veggies, veggies. It's the only way I can prevent hunger. I can get enough protein and enough fat, even eat potato or sweet potato, but I NEED at least two vegetable with every meal. And remember what they teach the kids now? "Eat the rainbow!" Yellow squash, orange sweet potatoes, red beets, red cabbage, Swiss chard, spinach, blueberries, green beans, brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and the list goes on and on. it makes your plate look pretty, too.

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