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Nutpod help!


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Is there a trick to using nutpod creamer? It says it's 100% creamy goodness but it separates in my coffee. It looks unappetizing, but it tastes fine. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong for it not to be creamy. For instance, should I let my coffee cool a bit before adding, or something like that. I shake it well before pouring. It did not do the same thing when poured into hot tea.

Thank you to anyone that might have some insight!

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I have never used nutpods but I have always had the same problem with coconut milk until I bought a milk frother.  It blends the milk perfectly and it was only $7, its a little gadget that runs on batteries but it makes such a difference! I pour the milk in, start frothing then slowly add my hot coffee, delicious! (FYI, I couldn't get the same results with an immersion blender, its not the right shape & I think its too big.)

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Mine works like normal creamer when I add it to the coffee - no chunks or unappetizing bits. I used the French Vanilla flavor in both hot and cold coffees. Not sure why that happened to your coffee when adding the Nutpods into it. 


PS- I second the recommendation for a frother. Simple device that makes a BIG splash (no pun intended) in improving the coffee!

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