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Weighed at Dr after 3 weeks - no results - help!


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Well, I see why you're not supposed to weigh yourself, but they weighed me at a doctor's appointment and I am not down a single ounce - which I suspected, since my clothes fit the same and I still feel somewhat bloated.

My sleep has actually gotten worse and my energy level is down.

I posted my meals earlier this week, and the only thing the monitor suggest I change was cutting out nuts and seeds for awhile and then eating less of them when I reintroduced them (I guess I had been eating too much of them),  and I have done that. (Haven't reintroduced them yet.)

I just feel so disappointed and discouraged. My doctor keeps telling me I need to lose weight (I'm 5'1"  152), and I've tried so many ways. (I wasn't eating bread before this, the only sugar I had on my house was some dark chocolate, my breakfast was a kale smoothie with chia seeds, etc - so it wasn't like I'd been eating terribly) I really had a lot of hope for this one, because the inflammation thing made sense with how I was feeling and what I was experiencing.

But wow, I really need some encouragement to continue right now.

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JenLDer, congratulation on making it through three weeks!

But it's 30 days. And this stressing out over a meaningless number on a scale is just one reason why weighing yourself is against the rules so you MUST stop thinking about that number you were never supposed to see.

If you post 2-3 days of meals, water, etc, a mod can see if your meals need tweaking so that you can get the most out of your Whole30.


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I'm not completely sure that 4 days of nutlessness is enough to completely reduce the bloat and water retention that you might've had from your nut consumption.

Do you have any other health issues? Auto-immune? Digestive? How's your sleep? Your stress? How much water are you drinking? Based on your weight you should be looking at around 80 ounces a day. 

I see that Shannon pointed out the meal template to you. Again, I'm not sure that 4 days is enough time to notice a difference if you hadn't been following it previously. Are you eating within an hour of waking? Do you exercise and if so, are you including pre and/or post workout food?

Do you have a history of caloric restriction/dieting? If so, has it been chronic through your life? Often when folks come from a history of being on and off of restrictive diets, their bodies will hold on to nutrition because they don't quite know what's up. At your height and weight, I suspect that although you may have weight you wish to lose, it's not as dire as we're always told it is. The "guidelines" for what is an acceptable weight for women has been reduced and reduced and reduced by insurance companies and mainstream media. Ask yourself if you feel good. If you're happy. If you can do all the things you want to do. If you eat well and get movement. If you're sleeping well. If your mood is stable. If your periods are normal/regular. If you're pooping well. Ask yourself all of these questions before demanding of yourself that you become smaller. :)

Finally, bodies will only healthfully release weight when they have the agreement of balanced hormones. Sometimes and for some people, that just takes longer. 

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Do you drink coffee? Or diet drinks/colas? 


No one wants to think about what coffee really does but for anyone with a tanked thyroid and insulin resistance and peri/post any of the menopause phases or a hormonal imbalance, drinking coffee is one of the offenders that stops all weight loss dead in its tracks. 

The day I quit drinking coffee was the day I turned this ship around.  My health was in the toilet, I couldn't release anything because my thyroid, adrenals, pancreas...everything was knocking up against the rocks.  I quit drinking coffee and my hormones began to heal.

Before I ever started drinking coffee, I did not have insulin resistance to the degree I had when I drank coffee.  Fatigue, sleep problems.

Coffee messes with your blood sugar and no one wants to think about that either.  It causes cravings for sugar and blood sugar blowback. There's not really alot of benefits from drinking coffee except keeping you wide awake.  Temporarily.  

For anyone going through any of these issues, go Cold Turkey with coffee.  Try it for 30 days. No coffee.  If at the end of 30 days you don't feel better, heckatoot, you can go always go back to coffee but you'll never know until you try it.



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I don't have any other health issues. My sleep was really good before I started, but has gotten worse in the past couple of weeks. My stress level is up a bit, because of work and political issues.  

I do have some history of dieting. I did weight watchers and when that stopped working, I did a boot camp where the trainer  told me that because I was under 5'3", I needed to eat less than 1000 cal a day. So I ended up just feeling starving and angry and didn't lose any weight, and I'm pretty sure ruined my metabolism. That was five years ago, and I haven't done any calorie restriction since then. Have just try a different eating styles like Ayurvedic to try to get everything back in balance and working properly. 

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Everyone likes coffee more than anything else. coffee 2 smiley I was a total coffee fiend, a pot in the morning and espressos in the afternoon with HWC.  It is the coffee bean itself that causes gut disruption and doesn't do a thing for tanked thyroids, adrenal glands, pancreas and leaky guts. Along with advising everyone to toss out their nuts and fruits don't have any value, I make a stand and say...hey, coffee is a huge gut disruptor.  The beans and not the caffeine.

If one is swilling coffee, how would one ever know if it was Tiger Blood or just the coffee kicking back in every single day.   

So try it.  For 30 days, go cold turkey.  Allow the stomach and hormones to heal.  Everyone can go back to swilling pots of it on Day 31.  But what if, you feel so darned much better and things really start clicking into place. What if... wouldn't that be worth a try.  It worked for me.  I can stand on my head for 30 days.  I wish you well. 

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Acidity, Coffee and Ulcers

The intense acidity of both caffeine and coffee can stimulate the hypersecretion of gastric acids (Coffey, et al, 1986), (Borger, et al, 1976). People think decaffeinated coffee is healthier, but in terms of acidity, decaffeinated coffee has been shown to increase acidity to a greater degree than either regular coffee or caffeine alone. (Cohen and Booth, 1975) A study comparing the acid secretion of decaffeinated coffee with that of a high protein meal found that decaffeinated coffee was a more powerful stimulant of acid secretion than the meal. (Feldman, et al, 1981) Doctors recommend that people with ulcers restrict not only caffeinated but also decaffeinated coffee intake. (Marotta and Floch, 1991)

Coffee tends to speed up the process of stomach emptying, which may result in highly acidic stomach contents passing into the small intestine more rapidly than normal, increasing the risk of injury of the sensitive intestinal wall, thus increasing susceptibility for duodenal ulcers. (Glatzel and Hackenberg, 1967)


Stress, Caffeine and Ulcers

Increased levels of cortisol and other stress hormones stimulated by caffeine consumption and coffee drinking suppress the activity of the immune system and raise stress levels which are associated with ulcer formation.

GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter naturally produced in the brain and nervous system as well as the GI tract. It plays an important role in mood and stress management and it exerts a calming effect on the GI tract.

Caffeine has been found to interfere with binding of GABA to GABA receptors, preventing it from performing its calming function. (Roca et al, 1988) GABA’s role in stress management is also compromised in the presence of caffeine. This is significant as psychological stress has been shown to be an exacerbating factor in heartburn and ulcers. (Naliboff, et al, 2004)


Ulcers, Bacteria and Immunity

The presence of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is implicated as a predisposing factor in ulcer development, but not everyone infected with H. pylori develops ulcers. It is unknown why this is the case, although a strong immune system provides protection against the bacteria’s ability to colonize damaged areas of the stomach lining. Chronically increased levels of stress hormones, such as the glucocorticoids, (which happens under stress or as a result of frequent caffeine or coffee intake) can suppress the immune system.

Chronic glucocorticoid elevation also interferes with the reactions of antigen-specific cell-mediated immune responses to the presence of bacteria, viruses, fungi, some tumors and other invading organisms. (Dhabhar and McEwen, 1997) Glucocorticoids can also cause cell death of a variety of lymphocytes, or white blood cells. (Wyllie, 1980),(Blewitt, et al, 1983), (Cidlowski, et al, 1996). This can create a situation in which the bacteria Helicobacter pylori can thrive in the stomach.


References (by alphabetical order)

Abu Farsakh, N.A. 2002. Risk factors for duodenal ulcer disease. Saudi Medical Journal. 23(2):168-72.

Blewitt, R.W., Abbott, A.C., and Bird, C.C. 1983. Mode of cell death induced in human lymphoid cells by high and low doses of glucocorticoid. British Journal of Cancer. 47(4):477-86.

Borger HW, Schafmayer A, Arnold R, Becker HD, Creutzfeldt W. 1976. The influence of coffee and caffeine on gastrin and acid secretion in man. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift. 101(12):455-7.

Cidlowski, J.A., King, K.L., Evans-Storms, R.B., Montague, J.W., Bortner, C.D., and Hughes, F.M. Jr. 1996. The biochemistry and molecular biology of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in the immune system. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. 51:457-90, 490-1.

Coffey, R.J., Go, V.L., Zinsmeister, A.R. and DiMagno, E.P. 1986. The acute effects of coffee and caffeine on human interdigestive exocrine pancreatic secretion. Pancreas. 1(1):55-61.

Cohen, S. and Booth, G.H. Jr. 1975. Gastric acid secretion and lower-esophageal-sphincter pressure in response to coffee and caffeine. New England Journal of Medicine. 293(18):897-9.

Dhabhar, F.S., and McEwen, B.S. 1997. Acute stress enhances while chronic stress suppresses cell-mediated immunity in vivo: a potential role for leukocyte trafficking. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 11(4):286-306.

Feldman EJ, Isenberg JI, Grossman MI. 1981. Gastric acid and gastrin response to decaffeinated coffee and a peptone meal. JAMA. 246(3):248-50.

H. Glatzel and K. Hackenberg, Effects of Caffeine Containing and Decaffeinated Coffee on the Digestive Functions: X-ray Studies of the Secretion and Peristalsis of Stomach, Intestines and Gallbladder, Medizinische Klinik, April 21, 1967; 62(16):625-28.

Marotta, R.B. and Floch, M.H. 1991. Diet and nutrition in ulcer disease. The Medical Clinics of North America. 75(4): 967-79.

Naliboff BD, Mayer M, Fass R, Fitzgerald LZ, Chang L, Bolus R, Mayer EA. 2004.The effect of life stress on symptoms of heartburn. Psychosomatic Medicine. 66(3):426-34.

Roca, D.J., G.D. Schiller, and D.H. Farb. 1988. Chronic Caffeine or Theophylline Exposure Reduces Gamma-aminobutyric Acid/Benzodiazepine Receptor Site Interactions. Molecular Pharmacology, May;33(5):481-85.

Wyllie, A.H. 1980. Glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte apoptosis is associated with endogenous endonuclease activation. Nature. 284(5756):555-6.

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46 minutes ago, JenLDer said:

I saw in your other post that it's about the coffee bean and not the caffeine, so is black tea ok!

Black tea is very acidic, too.  It gives many people heartburn, especially when they drink it after the morning hours. Way back when, they used to tell everyone no more than a couple of cups of coffee aday in the morning. 

Coffee causes ulcers.  Black tea can, too.  Especially after years of drinking it.  Leaky guts leaking like a sieve.  Black coffee and black tea have a way of ratcheting up the not so worth it side effects the longer you drink them.   

How about some kombucha. It's wonderful and tasty.  Mild green tea. You can drink some LaCroix if your stomach can tolerate the carbonated soda water. Then, sigh and alas, there's regular water.  Maybe bottled water for a treat.  I have pristine drinking water so I'm fortunate. 

Flavor your waters with fruit and cucumbers for something different. But Jen, hardly anyone is receptive to giving up coffee for 30 days. It's compliant and they scream like a panther if you dare step on the deeply felt coffee principles. I'm hanging out here by your thread - out on a limb.  hang-in-smiley.gif?1292867613 It's absolutely the best thing I did for my gut. Change your gut lining and you can change your life.

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7 hours ago, JenLDer said:

Well, it's not just the number, it's the energy, how I feel in my body, etc. And I did post my meals.

I'm really looking for encouragement, not reprimanding.

I don't think you've been reprimanded.  LadyShanny was asking questions to help get more information to see if we can help with your frustration.  We generally dont go to a member's posting history and look up everything they've posted when they start a new thread... that's just not possible with the number of posts that we read each day as volunteers.  If you don't want to post the last four days (since reducing nuts) then that's totally fine, you don't have to.

Keep going... we don't cause weight gain or metabolic problems or iimbalanced hormones in 30 days and we can't fix those things in 30 days.  You, in your context, depending on your history, your stress, your life, are unique and we can't always fit unique into someone else's unique box... be patient with yourself, allow yourself time to heal and know that eating whole foods 3 times a day in quantities that nourish your body properly is only going to be a good thing.

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