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Starting a Whole 30 while pregnant - detox?

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Hi there.  I've done a few Whole 30's before so I'm familiar with the program.  I was then AIP for a very long time, but developed high histamine and gradually fell off the wagon because I was sticking to foods that wouldn't give me a reaction and that wasn't always paleo.  Anyway...

Can you start a Whole 30 while pregnant or does the detox impact the fetus?  My diet has not been full of crap, but I have occasionally had sugar, gluten free grains (1-2 a week tops), and dairy.  I have stayed gluten free for years.  I expect I would get a carb flu when starting, but I wasn't sure if there were special precautions when starting a Whole 30 while pregnant.  I know it's a very healthy way to eat and eating by the Whole 30 template is great for mom and baby.  I just worry a little about all the detox people talk about and then impacting the baby, especially early in the pregnancy.


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"Detox" is kind of misleading, given the things people tend to associate that word with. With Whole30, you're eating healthy foods, in abundance. There is nothing about that that would be unhealthy for you or your baby. You may find some reassurance in articles like this one: https://mamas.whole30.com/2015/11/10/whole30-pregnancy/  or the ones linked here: http://whole9life.com/tag/pregnancy/ 


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I'm 35 weeks.  After eating all the junk during my morning sickness phase, I started another whole 30 around the first of the year. If anything, I feel I'm helping baby. My iron levels are excellent, I'm sleeping well, I'm not gaining a ton of weight, I'm not very bloated, and if what I've read is true, I'm introducing foods to my baby that it may have a preference for later on.  All good stuff in my eyes. I hadn't considered things from a detox perspective, but I'd be willing to bet I'd do more damage eating all the crap vs cutting it out. 

My 2 cents from a pregnant lady.

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