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Flying to a Cabin in Ohio for the weekend

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I've done Whole 30s in the past and try to stick close to that when I'm living my Food Freedom.  However, I've been struggling because I recently got a food sensitivity test back that said I was moderately reactive to eggs, pork, and coffee in addition to Whole 30 no nos (milk/gluten/various other things).  Knowing this information makes it a lot harder to live Food Freedom because I now *know* that my body is officially not happy with these things. 

I am flying to a cabin in Ohio for a bachelorette party this weekend from Houston.  I am really struggling with coming up with what to feed myself. 

Part of me wants to say "Screw it. Figuring this out is too hard" and just eat what everyone else is eating (breakfast casseroles, cheesy things, burgers/hot dogs/chips/cupcakes, etc).

I could probably pack non-perishables in my suitcase and borrow my friend's car to swing by the grocery before we drive to the cabin. 

Does anyone have any easy suggestions on what I could prep that would be easy?

I'm considering making some buffalo chicken stuffed peppers and freezing them and flying with them but I am totally up to other suggestions/pep talks. 

Thanks in advance!

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