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Want to Continue Losing Weight

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I'm in the midst of my 2nd Whole 30. Day 13! #yayme I lost a few pounds the first go and gained them back... lots of emotional eating, etc. I'm divorced now (see: emotional eating) and working to take charge of my health! So.... I can tell I"m losing weight by the way my clothes fit. I know that Whole 30 is about improving overall health, and I'm a good bit over weight, which I see as part of my overall health picture. I don't have any noticeable food sensitivies. The main benefit I perceive is studying my psychological relationship to food. So... I'm trying to figure out how to use the Whole 30 program and Food Freedom Forever to keep the momentum going, but I can't find any guidelines. I welcome your comments/advice. 


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If you read ISWF and FFF....those are the guidebooks filled with the guidelines.

Momentum is a gift. Don't let your fire go out. 

People all over the world are motivated by necessity. They catapult themselves out of bed every single day to make it to their workplace on time.  We are bent on survival.

Start taking care of yourself like it's your job.  If you build your own momentum, no one can take it away from you.  Just as no one can keep your momentum going so you can make it to your job, no can can keep your fire burning to reach your goals.

We can encourage one another but in the midnight hours when you're all alone, you have to keep the home fires burning in your heart with your desires. 

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