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Day 19 almost gave in


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My daughter and I are headed to our county fair to watch Toby Mac, and are so excited! The group we're going with wants to eat at the fair ,which I thought meant fried,processed and nothing for me kind of food. I was a little frustrated and thought about just this one time giving in, because I didn't think I would be able to find a good vendor list. I just kept trying to justify ruining 19 days of very hard work, but that little voice inside said keep looking, keep trying to research! So I didn't give up and finally found a local restaurant that is going to be there, and called them. They do use canola oil, but their dry rubs are totally compliant and since canola oil is a reluctant use, and I have up to this point stayed completely clear of it; I CAN EAT THERE:) I'm so happy I can't even explain it, I don't have to be the weird one for once tonight. Or maybe I'm the normal one and everyone that's eating off plan is weird, because I have to say the food that I've cooked in the last 19 days is better than anything I've made before (except French fries, but what gets better than French fries!). Obviously I still have some issues to work through ;):P Thank you Whole 30 for teaching me where there's a restaurants phone number, there's a way! HAPPY DAY 19!

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