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What do you do with yolks after making post WOD egg whites?


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I work out first thing in the morning and I'm planning on having sweet potatoes and egg whites with some spinach for a post workout meal as described in the success guide. When you make egg whites, what do you guys do with your yolks?


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I think separating yolks and whites is too much work. I would eat chicken breast as my protein and save the whole eggs for later.

You can make mayonnaise with yolks and I would guess that you could scramble them. There is a lot of good nutrition in the yolks, so you don't want to throw them away.

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Cysgr8, the idea is to avoid fat post workout because you want quick absorption of carbohydrates (which fat delays/hampers).

OP, I agree with Tom...separating eggs is such a pain for me, I'd just go with a hunk of chicken instead. But making mayo's what immediately comes to mind

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For me I just eat the whole egg but I'm working out hard enough right now to warrant a Pre or Post workout meal so my opinion is probably not relevant to your situation... When not doing a W30 those yolks would do nicely in a coconut milk ice cream though! :)

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Cysgr8, the idea is to avoid fat post workout because you want quick absorption of carbohydrates (which fat delays/hampers).

OP, I agree with Tom...separating eggs is such a pain for me, I'd just go with a hunk of chicken instead. But making mayo's what immediately comes to mind

Soooo i guess the coconut/banana milk shake i was drinking after working out isnt a good idea lol. Gosh so much stuff to remember!

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