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Everything posted by jennicap

  1. I am still breastfeeding my 25 month old, he gets the bulk of his needs from food at this point and we only have 1-2 sessions a day but I feel like I have more milk now than I did before starting the Whole 30. I'm not counting calories I am eating when I'm hungry but I have been drinking green tea like its going out of style and it is doing wonders for my skin, my energy, my milk supply! I drink 4-6 glasses a day! If my son nurses more in a day I find myself hungry so I eat more that day, same goes when I have a hard exercise day, I eat more. I think anyone who eats and drinks correctly shouldn't have a problem doing this at any time. I am looking into the Paleo Primal diet after this is over and I don't see myself going back to packaged foods and grains any time soon. I've even been converting my son to a more primal diet, I think it will be so beneficial for him! He's been organic/grass fed since birth on everything he eats but I've switched him to coconut milk and he loves the stuff!
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