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  1. The sugar cravings on my first Whole30 nearly killed me. I only have words to offer here - you can do this, and it will TOTALLY be worth it - especially for the long term benefits to your health. For me, I remember noticing the natural, complex sweetness in fruits and vegetables - and really savouring them. My moods and energy levels evened out and became more balanced and consistent. I’m about to finish my fourth (or fifth, can’t really remember) Whole30 and I have not had any sugar cravings this time around. The more I do it, the easier it gets to slay the Sugar Dragon. Hang in there - you’ve got this!
  2. Day 17. The sleep of kings also comes with some really really weird dreams. It is not fair to dream of being in France, the land of champagne and cream whilst one is doing a Whole30.
  3. Things have been a little quiet in the group chat……how is everyone going? We’re at the halfway mark. I am having the sleep of kings, it’s so good. Post an update, I’m keen to hear how your progress is!
  4. My friend has chickens in her backyard and she gave me some eggs. I made mayonnaise. It was great.
  5. Day ten over here. How is everyone going? I like day ten, it’s when the whites of my eyes suddenly become very sparkly and my skin gets nice.
  6. Posting this in case it’s useful…. https://whole30.com/revised-timeline/
  7. Morning. Up to Day 7. Yesterday was a doozy - irritable, tired, cranky. Ate some potato with dinner and went to bed early. I do like reaching this point in the program - once I’m seven days in I figure I may as well keep going. How is everyone else going?
  8. Welcome! I was getting lonely over here. I’m about to finish Day 4. Didn’t want to Kill All The Things, which surprises me. Hope everyone is going ok, do fill us in?
  9. So pleased you are feeling so well. Keep it up!
  10. Morning All. Just starting Day 3 over here. Was a bit head-achy yesterday but still managed a (short) walk. Enjoying cooking lovely wholesome foods again and sitting down with my SO to eat dinner at a table rather than in front of the TV.
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