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Posts posted by Suzy

  1. Right now, I'm obsessed with New Orleans. I know at first glance you might not think that this is the town for an ultimate W30 vacay, but I've been reading about roux-less gumbos and rich, delicious stews with local seafood, sausage, and chicken. I would hit all the fancy restaurants and be completely annoying to the wait staff by asking what is in all the food (and a condition of my vacation is not to feel bad about asking for what I want). Then, I would focus on all the history and jazz. I'd take long, long hikes all around the city, exploring sections of town and soaking up the culture. Immersing myself in culture will really reinforce my good habits by taking the focus further off numbers on the scale and food I can't have. Each day I would react to feedback from my body by getting massages and doing some stretching in beautiful outdoor spots. Hopefully a gator won't eat me while I'm in downward dog!

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