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Posts posted by Kirsteen

  1. Hi there.

    Are Miracle Noodles allowed? http://www.miraclenoodle.com

    They don't have anything but fiber....




    Miracle noodles have no carbs and no calories because our body doesn't recognise them as food and cannot use them. If I said to you put this gas in your car but by the way the car won't recognise it and the engine can't use it - you'd think I was mad. Yet somehow humans now think it's acceptable to eat *food* that our bodies can't use. Sorry but this is one of my pet peeves :) W30 is about eating real wholesome nutritious food that will nourish our bodies not 'stuff' that will provide us with absolutely nothing  so please, please no miracle noodles

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  2. Robin, I'm going to print this out and keep it. You don't have to address every food related issue you have, break every bad habit, and shun every food that gives you comfort to succeed with your Whole30. I love it, love it, love it. thankyou

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