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What's the deal with bacon?


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As I've been reading, some folks seem to bacon up on their Whole30 while others treat it as forbidden. Is it all a matter of the source and nature of this bacon that determines whether it's okay for the first 30 days? Thanks!

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Bacon without sugar and nitrates is fine, but there are some red flags to consider:

- Bacon does have protein, but much more fat, so you should not use it as your primary protein in a dish

- Compliant bacon is super expensive compared to the "normal" bacon in your grocery store

- Bacon could be psychologically "junk food" to some, which could aid in derailing your W30

I found that with the cost and my own triggers that bacon was just too decadent for me on whole 30. I imagine others see it that way too, which explains why you've seen it as "forbidden".

Either way, eating compliant bacon is still on the up & up and if it fits with your goals then have at it :)

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so if I can find "natural" bacon. I think Oscar Meyer and Applegate have some stocks at my grocery store, then I need to check for sugars primarily. No sugar, no bacon-y deliciousness. Got it.

Matt D., I don't think bacon is a dangerous trigger for me; or if it's a trigger at all, more the water-gun variety. Thanks for the answers!

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Most importantly would be how the pork was raised. Pature fed and antibiotic free is pretty critical. The fat holds toxins and we all know how fatty bacon is!

Eat Wild and Local Harvest are two sites you can search for options. I have bought some from US Wellness meats, but unless you are buying other products or just darn serious about your bacon, I'd stick with local. Pederson's makes some awesome cowboy bacon, and also has Paleo-friendly versions.

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I found compliant back at TARGET! look at reduced sodium bacon, sometimes you can find them. this one was the Target brand.

that being said, it's compliant but not the most ideal bacon, the best would be from US Wellness or a local farmer that doesn't use any preservatives or sweetners

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Yeah, aside from sugar and preservatives there is also the fact that bacon is pretty much the most contaminated cut of pork. It'll be highly concentrated with hormones, antibiotics and whatever vestiges of a stressed, unnatural existence accumulated during the animal's life. For me, even though I love bacon, this isn't worth it to me. After my W30 I cooked and ate some Applegate bacon, but during my W30 I couldn't find sugar-free bacon at the farmers' market or in a store that came from a somewhat healthy pig. I never ordered from US Wellness. So I skipped it and I survived.

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And I just want to paste in this sentence from that manifesto:

"Summary: We cannot recommend consumption – even in “moderation†– of bacon from the factory farming system. If you want to enjoy bacon as part of your healthy, varied Paleo diet, you must take the time to seek out a pastured, organic source."

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