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Avalanche W30 #2


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So here I am again. I successfully completed my first whole30 in early April. I completely borked the reintro phase, and then slowly started eating more non-compliant foods, until eventually I was totally off the wagon. Balance was a hard thing for me to find, so I'm going full-on W30 again. It feels less intimidating this time, in part because I already know the drill, and I remember how much I enjoyed the first one.

Goals for round 2:

-Incorporate regular exercise

-Lose a few lbs. I'm not going to tie a number to this. I have a LOT to lose, but I don't want this to only become about weight loss.

- More water

-Try out a few new "classic W30" recipes like homemade mayo and bone broth.

Today is actually day two. So here is a roundup of Day 1:

M1. Egg, chicken-apple sausage, lettuce

M2. Sockeye salmon, lettuce, bell peppers

M3: applegate farms hot dog, larabar

M4. Scallops, bell peppers, avocado

Not an ideal day - but I was pretty impressed with myself considering I had done zero prep, had very little in the cupboards, and was in a MASSIVELY bad mood. Those are all things that are typically triggers for me.

Day 2:

M1. Salmon, plantain, bell peppers, avocado, lettuce

M2. Chicken, bell peppers, avocado, lettuce, tessemae's, strawberries, raspberries, green tea

M3. Chicken thighs w/tessemae's, kale.

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In some ways this is easier than last time, in some ways harder. It feels less epic. But I miss some things more than I did last time around. It could also be that this is the week of my period, whne I'm more prone to cravings. But I've stayed the course so far.

Menu Day 3:

M1: Salmon, plantain, bell pepper, avocado, lettuce

M2: salad greens, tessemaes zesty tanch, chicken breast, avocado, bell peppers, strawberries and raspberries

M3: Quarter roasted chicken, kale salad

Menu Day 4:

M1: Salmon, plantain, bell pepper, salad greens

M2: Chicken breast, salad greens, bell pepper, tessemaes, banana

M2: canned smoke doysters, artichoke hearts, cornichons, tomato, olives

M4: Chicken wings, beets, sauteed zucchini

I think I need to stick to 4ish meals at the moment - the space between lunch and dinner is awfully long.

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A few other things to note:

Yesterday my coworker brought in a huge box of donuts. Now, donuts aren't really my thing - I rarely search them out. I like them ok, but they are not a big temptation. But I gotta admit, after walking past them a dozen times, they did begin to tempt me. I successfully avoided them, because they just weren't worth it. Small victory.

I'm readjusting to not just eating whatever, whenever. So I feel these little urges throughout the day for this or that, and I'm getting better at ignoring them.

I still haven't been to the gym. Sigh. It WILL happen once my period is over.

Project: Drink More Water is going pretty well. Not enough yet, but way more than before. It's really just a matter of filling up my water bottle and keeping it near by.

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Had a bad headache yesterday - I remembered that last time around I also had a headache around day 4, it's my version of carb-flu. Anyhow, popped a couple of advil and it subsided. Feel pretty great today. Less itchy to eat non-compliant things, and overall happier/more energy (could also be that I'm towards the end of my period).

One not-so-great thing this time around is that (TMI alert) I've had to go #2 a whole bunch over the last couple of days and it's very liquidy. I'm not sure what exactly that is about, but we'll see if it sticks around or is mostly temporary. I've had lots of gut issues in the past, and I think I may have an issue with FODMAPS - I just don't want to deal with it at the moment.

I also really need to work on going to bed at a decent hour. I keep staying up for no reason. I'm not having much trouble getting up though, so it's not terrible.

Menu update for day 4:

Dinner ended up being: Two applegate hotdogs, beets, pea shoots, strawberries

Menu day 5:

M1: lox, zoodles w/tessemae's, yellow bell pepper strips, raspberries. (My first time with zoodles - they were great!)

M2: applegate farms chicken-apple sausage, scrambled eggs w/pea shoots, 1/2 avocado

M3: Pork chop, zucchini, beets

Did a bit of yoga today. MAN am I out of shape! Gotta start somewhere though, right?

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