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Day 21: Am I the only one feeling like this?

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First off, I hate to be a complainer/negative Nancy. I know in my other post I was craving cake. Now, here I am back to deliver some more complaints about my current state. I am generally a positive person, but I also am very inquisitive, so please excuse my complaining on these boards!

First week of Whole30: tough, but felt strong. Got bored with food choices, so switched it up. Clothes started loosening up, tummy felt tighter, which obviously made me very happy!

Second week: started relying too much on fruit/lara bars to curb cravings for snacks. Felt energy boost and happy with the way I looked/felt

Third week: doing better with the sugar and cravings as a result of a weekend without lara bars and a busy schedule.

Now: been feeling pretty tired. Appetite seems a bit crazy today (I had lunch and then had a mini-meal just now of prosciutto and sweet potatoes from whole foods (pretty satisfying!)) Don't feel that amazing energy so many people raved about. Feel very nervous about how I'm going to maintain once this ends (I've decided to do a Whole44 (not 45 because I am going to a Yankees Game on June 4th and would like to indulge in some garlic fries and maybe a beer :) ). Clothes fit well, but no major noticeable changes. I actually feel a little bloated, maybe I ate too much today? At this point, shouldn't I be in the mode where I know when I am hungry or when I am just bored and wanting to eat?

Is the magic over? I've been trying so hard. Kind of changed a few things based on what I'm used to. I have been working out consistently over the past 5 years so my body is already used to activity and not eating right before a workout, so I do not eat pre-workout meals if I'm working out first thing in the morning (which isn't that often, maybe once or twice a week). I've been trying not to snack as much, but I get hungry every few hours and get full pretty easily. If I'm full off of 2 fried eggs with some guacamole and spinach salad on the side, I can't force myself to eat more. I'd rather stop, and then have a small snack in 3 hours or so, before lunch. Just the way my metabolism works.

I just would expect myself to feel much better after removing so much from my diet. I ate pretty healthfully before this, but I did drink at least one night a week, eat sugar and get harsh cravings for cupcakes/cookies in the afternoon, eat pasta or rice 3-4 times a week, and eat dairy daily (usually some half and half in my coffee and Greek Yogurt). I also did not really care that much about eating processed foods-- I've done Weight Watchers and South Beach Diet before so never really minded some fake sweeteners or little 100-calorie cupcakes to get rid of a craving. I'd like to think eating clean is the way to go, but when you don't feel that amazing boost of energy and just all-around positivity, you start to question it, ya feel me?

Anyone encounter something similar? Just want to discuss and figure out if I can tweak this anymore to make it work for me.

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Hi Riana, I'm on day 22 and I'm feeling a bit tired too. My boyfriend (who is also doing whole30 with me) has a cold at the moment so I'm trying to figure out if maybe I'm coming down with that, or it's just where I'm at right now.

To be frank, I haven't hit 'tiger blood' stage. I've gotten up pretty happily (I've always been a morning person), my workouts seem good and consistent, and I have definitely noticed at least a slight weight loss. But I'm not singing from the rooftops or anything. I haven't been reinvented.

The biggest change I've noticed is how hunger doesn't control me anymore. If I notice I'm hungry, I can deal - whereas before I'd be climbing the walls, get cranky and shaky and would need to eat almost immediately. Now I can go for hours without being too bothered by my hunger.

I also think rather wistfully about bread, rice, and milk.. it feels like nostalgia more than cravings.. and I don't think I'll ever break that.

I'm starting to think that I'll need to work pretty hard after my reintroductions to stay as whole30 as possible, and maybe do a whole14 or something to keep myself going strong.

Keep at it, we can do it together!!

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Hi Riana, I'm on day 22 and I'm feeling a bit tired too. My boyfriend (who is also doing whole30 with me) has a cold at the moment so I'm trying to figure out if maybe I'm coming down with that, or it's just where I'm at right now.

To be frank, I haven't hit 'tiger blood' stage. I've gotten up pretty happily (I've always been a morning person), my workouts seem good and consistent, and I have definitely noticed at least a slight weight loss. But I'm not singing from the rooftops or anything. I haven't been reinvented.

The biggest change I've noticed is how hunger doesn't control me anymore. If I notice I'm hungry, I can deal - whereas before I'd be climbing the walls, get cranky and shaky and would need to eat almost immediately. Now I can go for hours without being too bothered by my hunger.

I also think rather wistfully about bread, rice, and milk.. it feels like nostalgia more than cravings.. and I don't think I'll ever break that.

I'm starting to think that I'll need to work pretty hard after my reintroductions to stay as whole30 as possible, and maybe do a whole14 or something to keep myself going strong.

Keep at it, we can do it together!!

Sounds good to me! I know everyone is different so maybe not everyone feels that "tiger blood" energy, but maybe it will be a longer term benefit for us? Who knows, but I'm definitely with you on keeping at it and extending a few weeks. My mom also brought up the point that I've been eating a lot of prosciutto as snacks, which is full of sodium and could be the reason I felt bloated. Going to try to go without that for a few days and drink a lot more water. Will update you if I start to see any improvements, I hope you continue to go strong and feel some more benefits as well!

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Hi Ladies!

It seems common for folks to hit this "over it" stage in the early 20's of the program. Go back and remind yourselves of the benefits you experienced so far, take a look at your food to make sure there's nothing that could be throwing you off (too many nuts, too much dried fruit, etc), and rest. Be patient with yourself. This is a 30 day process, not a 20 day process.

Also, where you are in your cycle could be affecting your mood and physical state right now.

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Hi Ladies!

It seems common for folks to hit this "over it" stage in the early 20's of the program. Go back and remind yourselves of the benefits you experienced so far, take a look at your food to make sure there's nothing that could be throwing you off (too many nuts, too much dried fruit, etc), and rest. Be patient with yourself. This is a 30 day process, not a 20 day process.

Also, where you are in your cycle could be affecting your mood and physical state right now.

Thanks Robin! Cycle might have nailed it on the head... I am usually ecstatic about hitting the gym every day, but have felt sluggish and not so into it this week (would love to curl up on the couch and watch a few hours worth of bad reality TV). I also think I have not fully "slayed my sugar dragon" yet as I've been eating more fruit than I think I should. I keep going back and forth with myself, justifying that I'm already giving up so much, it's okay for me to eat my fruit and Lara Bars. But if I'm going to complete a Whole44, I want to do it right and get all of the benefits.

Any tips for slaying my newfound fruit and Lara Bar addiction? Here's an example of what I've been eating on an average day.

Breakfast: 2-3 eggs (either fried, omelette style, or baked in a prosciutto cup), spinach salad (or vegetables in the omelette), 1/4 avocado

When I get to work about 45 min later, I have an iced coffee with coconut milk.

Lunch: spinach salad with whatever I've got (some apples, walnuts or almonds, peppers, sometimes avocado, and olive oil) plus protein (including slices of turkey, turkey taco meat which I make with salsa, grilled chicken, shrimp guacamole, other leftovers etc.)

3PM-4PM: usually have a generous helping of fruit or a lara bar, or both, as I did today :-D

When I was being good (first 1.5 weeks or so), I'd have a hard-boiled egg as a pre-workout snack, but I have been getting full off of the fruit so the pre-w.o. has not been in the rotation as of late. I am sick of eggs!!!

Post w.o snack I have with dinner: Sweet potatoes, some kind of protein such as salmon, chicken, turkey taco meat, shrimp, etc. and a spinach salad or roasted vegetables like asparagus.

After dinner I have a bowl of watermelon and pineapple and sometimes some decaf tea.

I think I have the basics down, and I feel full after each meal, but I can't get rid of the need for something sweet throughout the day!!! Argh!

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  • 3 weeks later...

p. 193 in It Starts with Food specifically calls out Larabars as something to consciously avoid, as it may prop up your sugar cravings. If you are legitimately hungry, they go on to say, reach for a protein and fat.  

Perhaps this is what you should also do instead of the fruit between 3-4 pm, and after dinner  to help slay your sugar dragon?  :)  Or, at a minimum, try to get it down to no more than 1-2 servings of real fruit per day. (They define a serving as the size of a fist.)

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