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Camelina Oil


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Has anyone heard of Camelina Oil? Do you know whether it is a healthy oil? And whether it can safely be used for cooking?

They were demo-ing it at Whole Foods and they were explaining how it is high in Omega 3s, and has a very high smoking point 475F thanks to its high Vitamin E content.

Never having heard of this, i am of course skeptical.

Wondering if anyone else knows anything about it??


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Camelina oil is at least as healthy as canola oil for cooking purposes, but probably not any better.

The marketing emphasis for camelina oil is that it is high in omega3 fatty acids. Well, so is flax seed oil, but the form of omega3s in plants is ALA. Unfortunately, our bodies use DHA and EPA. Our bodies cannot convert ALA to DHA and EPA efficiently, so camelina oil and flax seed oil being high in "omega3s" does not actually do us any good. Animals can eat camelina and flax and other plants and convert the ALA to DHA and EPA, so we need to eat animals to get what we need. Despite the marketing hype, there is no good plant substitute for eating fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon, etc.

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