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Week 1 done...ant on a Cheeto...


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I just finished my first week. Doing ok, resisting temptations. My coworks are still not sure of what to make of this...and I work in healthcare!

I was able to get some coworkers to walk w me after a 10min lunch...as I said I work in healthcare (nurse). As we were walking I saw a bunch of ants swarming a tiny Cheeto. I stopped and just gazed. I could not be disconnected from this site. My friends stopped and for the life of them couldn't figure out what I was doing. I kept staring, even took a picture. Finally I broke away. When I looked at them I said "I want to be an ant" Then continued walking. As I'm getting ready to leave at the end of the shift one of the gals asks me to write down the website. She said "whatever you are doing is working...I would have eaten the blooding chip!"

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At my work we make popcorn for our customers. Today a little kid dropped his bag outside and proceeded to step and flatten the buttery snacks. The leftover pieces were captivating for a long time... It was pretty pathetic on my part, but I haven't caved into helping myself to one morsel for the past week! So good luck to you and keep going strong; you're not alone!!

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I totally get this. I may take it to an uber level. I havent had a piece of bread in 3 years or longer. Wait..not true..I was laid off October of last year. I drowned my sorrows in a piece of bread. It didn't help. I love going to my Albertsons when they put the hot bread out at 4:30. It's not even good bread, but to me, it smelled like the streets of Paris early in the morning. I love stalking hot bread. ;0)

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