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Thank you Whole 30 - My life is mine!!!!!


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Technically I did a whole 43. I should note that I was busy with a move, a ton of travel and a million others things and was able to stay 100% compliant but had very little time to work out. I honestly think I only worked out 7-8 times the whole 43. Although these pictures for me are a bit embarrassing I feel as though they could serve as inspiration to others and therefore am proud to post them. I also added a picture from 2005, a time in my life when being a gym rat and eating an extreme calorie restrictive diet were my life. Obviously it was impossible to maintain as I fell to pieces and put on over 60lbs in the course of 8 years but it serves as inspiration for me and a reminder that health isn't always a polished chiseled body. Health comes from sustainable habits like healthful eating habits and moderate treats and a dose of healthy activity. I do plan to reach a 8-12% body fat once again and maintain it but only if my body will allow for it naturally following the plan of the Whole30 and with moderate exercise and activity. Attempting to re-create a failed experiment from 2005 would only have the same results. Following the successful experiment of the whole30 I plan to take charge and control of my health and life permanently this time. Sorry about the scale issues, just did this real quick.





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Thanks for posting those pictures -- especially the 2005 one. I like that you did that because it serves as a good reminder that even if our "best looking" days are behind us, those were not necessarily our most healthy days, and good health and a strong body are worth striving for at any age and for any size. Also, you achieved GREAT changes according to your recent pictures -- way to go! And I really like your experimental approach to your 2005 look: see how close you can get but only "if my body will allow for it naturally." That sounds like smart thinking to me!

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