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1st Whole 30 results & 2nd Whole 30 5/25


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So April was my first Whole 30 and I was so proud of the results, not to mention that I feel a ton better. The first month absolutely shocked me! It wasn't hard and I've struggled with food my whole life!

I've stayed mostly compliant for the last three weeks but its just too easy to get carried away with sugar! I wanted to try it again and lessen my reliance (I swear its really an addiction) on nut butters! I love them! I think it really hampers my fat loss. Also, with the first one I didn't exercise like I normally do. The great thing was that I really did not struggle with staying on the plan. I didn't want nasty food and felt great. I hope that's encouragement for some other young stressed out mother and wife out there! Also, I lost 12 pounds last month.

That may not seem like a huge deal but I ran 2 half marathons in the preceding 6 months (so constant training) and was very particular with what I was eating...I did not lose a single pound. Not one!!! I began thinking my hormones were totally messed up (after 3 kids) and went to see my doctor who said it was "normal". So, I decided to take this on to straighten out my 32 year old messed up hormones....and I really feel like my life is changed!

So, here we go again! This time with exercise added back in and less almond butter =)

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Nut butters are dangerous! I won't even bother to take the time to tell you about my favorite butters because that would just be mean and unproductive.

I have ONLY lost weight when I removed nuts/dried fruit in addition to the rest of the Whole30 bad foods.

Just wait until your post-baby body hits 47! Talk about hormones... but, hopefully eating well for the next decade will limit the problems when you hit perimenopause.

Good luck on Round2

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Oh PamH, I hear you on the 47-y-o hormones! I too love nut-butters, but I'm trying to keep that delight to a dull roar right now too.

FarmGirl12, I have 4 kids, so I sympathise on that part too. How awesome that you found this lifestyle now!

Good health to both of you!

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