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Sardine Virgin

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I've been hearing about sardines for years (all their health benefits, etc etc), but never actually eaten one! I just purchased a tin of them packed in oil, and one of my goals for the Whole30 is to try them.

So... what's your favorite way to enjoy sardines? All inputs appreciated!

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You need to check out this post:


In it, Nadia shares some sardine love with all of us. Fisherman's eggs are my absolute favorite way to enjoy them now.

I also like to make a sardine salad with finely chopped celery, carrots, a can of drained sardines, homemade mayo and a little bit of mustard if I am in the mood.

They are SO good and SO good for you! For maximum nutrition, get the ones WITH the bones. Lots of calcium, and you won't even notice them!!

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I had to watch a colleague eat a can of sardines on his salad a few times before I became bold enough to eat any myself. They had never looked appealing to me. I was surprised when I ate my first can that they were okay. I wouldn't say I love the taste of sardines, but I do eat them regularly because they are so healthy, convenient, and easy. My current routine is to eat a can of sardines with cold sauerkraut straight from the bottle. I buy Bubbie's sauerkraut which is refrigerated and eat a bite or two of sardines and a bite or two of sauerkraut until I am finished. The sauerkraut cuts the oiliness of the sardines nicely.

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I'm pretty sure my mum used to feed them to me when I was little but I hadn't eaten them since ... Realised I was missing out on some cheap and healthy protein and bought a can last week.

I just ate them plain - I figured if I knew what the baseline taste was and wasn't overly keen on it, then there would always be room for tarting them up.

I liked them :) Didn't love them, but like is just fine. I saw other tins where they come in tomato sauce so that might be a pairing worth exploring! (Just make sure the sauce is compliant!).

Edit: I got a tin with the bones and it totally reminded me of eating tinned fish when I was little. Can hear Mum's voice in my head telling me not to be a baby and eat the bones because they'd make me grow up strong ... Chinese mothers always tell it how it is!

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I also eat them out of the can. Prior to Paleo, I ate them with rice though. Nowadays, I buy the boneless & skinless sardines in water.

I get rather preachy about this, but do try the ones with the bones! They are such an awesome source of calcium!

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