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Admitting defeat.... And starting fresh! Whole30 attempt 2 here we go!


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I FAILED... like BIG TIME failed. I made it to day 27, got on the scale, and had a melt down. Here's my story:

I was a gymnast through college then a crossfitter. I am lean, but am broader than your average girl. But, I've always yearned for "skinny girl arms." I am tired of my "guns." And I have never wanted skinny girl arms more so than on my wedding day... which is in 33 days. This year I'm an intern = not much time to workout, eating whatever is in the break room, etc. I live by myself so I haven't been healthy. BUT, I lost almost 10 pounds without trying! And yes, I'm aware I was losing muscle, but I was okay with that in anticipation of my wedding day. I was 100% happy with being slightly more feminine and less buff.

And then I tried the whole30 - in an attempt to lean out a bit more in my last two months. At the same time, I started working out more... lifting weights. So you can imagine my disappointment when I got on the scale at day 27 and was pissed that I was gaining weight! I know it's healthy weight, and I know I felt and looked better. But in my delusional mind I was unable to separate the numbers from how I looked. I want to be the 123lbs that I was at my lightest... when I was eating chinese food and not working out.

So, here I am. I splurged this weekend. I feel like crap and my face broke out. New game plan: whole 30 plus running and pilates. No weights. I'll get back to CF next year, but for the next 30 days I want to get SMALLER!!!!! My one caveat - I like my "protein shakes" that I make with coconut milk yogurt, blackberries, blueberries, and unsweetened coconut milk. It's basically a meal for me. And... I ordered whole30 approved bacon the first time around but I can't do that this time. So, my two "cheats" are my coconut milk yogurt in my shakes and my bacon (still a healthy variety from whole foods).

And I'm going to do it. Whole 30 til the wedding day. I felt better, my skin was cleaner... but I NEED SOME CHEER LEADERS! Help me through this... I will post my meals every day and I hope in 33 days I will be feeling better, brighter, and ready for a wonderful wedding day.

Thanks for listening everyone :)

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Hi klericksen!  Congrats on your upcoming nuptials!


I sometimes wish I'd tried a bit harder to slim down more for my wedding.  Well actually, I look at my photos and I see a wonderful happy day, and like how I looked but there is this teeny tiny pang that I didn't do what I'd wanted to do for myself.  So go and smash through these 30 days, and then no regrets ok?  You'll be so happy on the day, you'll look gorgeous.


Will be looking out for your log.  Best of luck :)

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Hi klericksen! Congrats on your upcoming nuptials.  You got me with skinny girl arms.  I would love to have skinny girl arms or better yet be able to buy a shirt where I did not feel like my arms were not going to bust out like the hulk.  Not only do I not have skinny girl arms, but I also have bigger than normal boobs, so even at my smallest (125 lb) I still had big boobs and big arms.  I am trying my whole 30 for the second time as well.  First time I struggled all the day to day 10 then decided I can't do this.   Interesting part of that is i lost 9 lbs and 6 inches in 10 days, which I thought was mediocre. In hindsight, I think, girl, have you fallen and bumped your head.  That is pretty awesome but I could only focus on my cravings.  This time, I took a whole month to give myself a game plan on how to be successful at this and made a commitment to every day communicate with someone on the forum who is struggling or has struggled to see I am not alone.   Would love to encourage you through this 30 days, as I would be encouraging myself as well.  BTW, I am Charley.

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Thanks to those who posted :)  I really appreciate your support!


Day 1: Ran 4 miles - woo hoo!

Breakfast - pulled pork, mashed butternut squash, orange

Lunch - my "protein shake" (coconut milk, coconut milk yogurt, blackberries, blueberries)

Dinner - pulled pork (Kalua pork recipe from NomNom paleo app) and sweet potato spears, carrots


I'm glad I checked in with you guys... cause at the end of this day 1 I'm a little woozy and tired.  But I know I will sleep better, feel better, and look better if I follow this through.


Here we go......!!!

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Good luck to you! I, too, wish I wasn't so broad-shouldered. I can't fit into button-down shirts without taking someone's eye out when the button pops. But it's my body and as long as I can still crank out "real" push-ups so I'm find with it. (And no offence to those that do push ups on their knees - you're still awesome just for doing push ups!) Hit it hard, and have an amazing Whole30, and an amazing wedding!

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I gotta say that eating shakes is going to make things harder for you. It's not the same as eating real food per the template--which is designed to provide max nutrition and keep you sated between meals. There are no cheats in a w30, so you're kind of either doing it or not. Why not try the plan as written? I understand you have financial and time constraints, but there are lots of good tips and helpful ppl to give you ideas for both. Give it a shot and I promise it's easier doing this full-on than part way.

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Ditto! One more question - you run to lose weight is that right?

Good for you for trying again. It will be a happy and beautiful day regardless your results. Only if you let it be. Exhausted bride is not what you aim, eh?

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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding day! You've gotten some great advice here. You can do this! You're going to be gorgeous on you big day.

Are you avoiding veggies for a reason? Heap your plate with veggie. You'll benefit with a Healthy glow from all the vitamins and minerals.

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Day 3, breakfast: bacon, eggs, orange

Lunch: protein shake

Dinner: kalua pork, sweet potato spears, almonds

I'm not avoiding veggies, my curry had red, orange, and green bell peppers, onions, and broccoli!

I'm a veterinarian and I work er so the shake is the only way I can get something healthy in without having a lunch break :/ plus it gets the blueberries and blackberries in me which I would never eat alone. I understand its not ideal but Im not snacking in between so I think I'm getting what I need from it...

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You don't *need* to eat fruit. So there is no reason to force yourself to eat them. Plenty of people eat no fruit at all on a w30. Anything you get in fruit you get more of in veggies--without sugar. The template is a palm-sized portion of protein, rest of the plate filled with veggies, plus a thumb-sized (or two) of fat. The "protein" you can mix into a shake is not good quality food and the opposite of what you want to eat on a w30. You don't get any lunch break at all?

There is a soup I make (broc, carrots, onions, ginger, coconut milk, broth) that is blended. Technically that is not encouraged bc you want to be chewing your food on a w30. I've been leaving it chunky. But if you feel you need to drink your lunch better to drink a mug of veg soup (thermos) than a shake that has pretty much nothing in it your body needs, is a sugar bomb, and is guaranteed to make you ravenously hungry and not able to make the best choices for dinner. And then maybe a cooked meat patty/burger wrapped in foil or some meatballs you can pop in your mouth.

Soup (I sauté onions, etc in my pot first then mix it all together. I leave out the mushrooms bc I don't think they add anything.)


The "no shake" thing isn't there to make things harder, it is there so you get the nutrients you need and so you are filling yourself at each meal.

At the risk of outing myself as anti-feminist, anti-strong (I am neither, I just prefer slender arms on me), these are some arm workouts that might help you get where you want to be. I'm sure ppl in CF despise this woman bc she's always like "no heavy weights!" She's goofy and pouty but, whatever, I don't care, these arm workouts give nice results. I tend to bulk in my shoulders quickly with traditional weight lifting, and I don't really like how that looks on my frame. These short routines seem weird and silly at first but if you do them once a day they work. :)


Ooh. I haven't seen this one:

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Ugh this site is jacked and my links got killed. Use any of these but I like the one where she's in the white top in front of 16 mirrors the best. It's fun and short but it works. The one from the Mat Workout (the one link that appeared above) is long and tough. (For me anyway.) In the complete workout the no-weight section is followed by weights but you will get results with just these.


Last time I did them I was paranoid about getting big shoulders so I skipped the weights and sometimes did the white shirt/mirrors vid 2X and I *loved* my arms.

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Thanks for those Beets!  I'm one of those girls who beefs up quickly as well (when I had my first lifting routine put together for me, I was worried about bulking and was promised it'd be fine, most women struggle to bulk unless they're lifting really heavy ...  A bit of hat eating was done a few weeks later), and I'd love slimmer arms.  Will try them out.


Also klerickson, I know it's not what you want to hear but I do agree with Beets on the coconut milk shake.  It's not really a Whole 30 unless you're 100% compliant and all the rules are there for a reason.


Promise it's not so much Whole 30 policing: really want to see you get the most of your Whole 30 :)

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Be careful to read all of the ingredients in your protein shakes, if you're using a mix.  You may find you're unintentionally sabotaging yourself with non-compliant ingredients.


Good luck!

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