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Getting out of your comfort zone


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This past year really has been an journey for me traveling outside of my own self imposed comfort zone...

It started with W30 but has evolved into so much more.

Besides all the regular stuff ( good sleep,energy,mood,complexion ) I have noticed my out look on many things have changed. For instance....

I was sure I needed six meals a day!

I was sure if I didn't eat every three hours I would pass out from starvation!

I was sure I needed a ton of complex carbs!

I was sure i needed to drink protein shakes before and after each workout!

I was sure I needed to workout for hours a day!

I was sure I couldn't live without diet coke or Splenda in my coffee!

I was sure that if I didn't have a once a week cheat day I would lose my mind!!!!

I was sure I needed anti depressants/anxiety meds

Well, turns out I wasn't sure about anything, which brings me to my biggest change:

I was stuck for years at a very dark and oppressive ( almost cultish) martial arts school, I was sure I need to be there for my fitness...

Turns out that it was just comfort that kept me stuck in these ruts and w30 is certainly a big leap out of most people's comfort zones

I no longer attend that school and have joined an amazing crossfit box in my area.... I was one of the top dogs at my old school and very complacent.... At crossfit I'm starting over, climb a f@&ing rope!!!! I haven't climbed a rope since 6th grade!!!!

I'm way out of my comfort zone and its the best thing that has ever happened to me!!! I'm pushing my self in all kinds of new ways.... And it really has " started with food".

So get off your duffs and get uncomfortable.... There's a lot of life to be lived outside your safety zone... :)

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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your post.  Hell yeah!  I joined a CrossFit box in January and have done things I never thought possible!  Granted, I can barely walk or lift my arms the day after a WOD sometimes, but hey, I DID IT!  :D


I loved how my whole30 changed my entire perspective on food.  I had NO idea that I had a dairy sensitivity until I completed it, then tried to reintroduce it.  And grains?  I can take 'em or leave 'em now.  I'm trying fruits and vegetables that I never would have considered before.  Eating out of the box is so much fun-and tasty too!


Good luck as you continue your adventure outside the box!

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Dude, yermakinmecry.  In a good way.  I've stepped way out of my comfort zone too, and I really appreciate your articulating it like that.  This "it starts with food" stuff is huge, HUGE.  Thanks for putting it out there.

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Thanks Colleen and Amy.....

I don't know about anyone else... But for me, it's all to easy to get comfortable and " settle". It's whole9 journey has really taught me not to settle for being,acting feeling Ok..... I want great!!!! And when I eat w30 I feel great and that leads to everything being great!

We have a friend who had a full gastric by pass three years ago.... Gained all the weight back plus and just went for a lapband surgery..... She is miserable, I gave her a copy of ISWF.... but she wants a magic bullet with out putting in the work to change her relationship with food.... Pity. I just hope one day she gets it

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Thanks Colleen and Amy.....

I don't know about anyone else... But for me, it's all to easy to get comfortable and " settle". It's whole9 journey has really taught me not to settle for being,acting feeling Ok..... I want great!!!! And when I eat w30 I feel great and that leads to everything being great!

We have a friend who had a full gastric by pass three years ago.... Gained all the weight back plus and just went for a lapband surgery..... She is miserable, I gave her a copy of ISWF.... but she wants a magic bullet with out putting in the work to change her relationship with food.... Pity. I just hope one day she gets it

Isn't it amazing? My sister and a friend are the same way....they both battle chronic stomach issues, migraines, joint issues....neither one will try something so "radical" as changing what you eat. They will take all kinds of pills and workout like crazy, but change what they eat? That's just crazy! And they both saw how good I looked and felt after a whole30. Guess it wasn't enough evidence!

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