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Holy Grass-fed Cow - we are starting tomorrow!!!

Meredith T.

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I will be starting a Whole 30 tomorrow with my husband and two children, ages 5 & 7. I'm super excited and the kids are too. The hubs is a little anxious:/

I plan on blogging our journey because none of the blogs I have found seem to be like our family. We don't live in a fancy town with super cool grocery stores, we are currently a one income family since we just moved here, and to be honest I am convinced that every blogger I have found is also a super chef on the side:) I'm hoping to be able to look back and see the changes that take place over the next 30 days, or if nothing else, have a good laugh about it!

Anyone else starting tomorrow? Anyone else going to blog about it?


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Best of luck with your journey & blog.I'll be following with interest as I ahve a 5 & 9 year old, and I am (to be honest) terrified of making the changes in their diet and the uproar it would cause :(

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