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Mayo and illness

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Hi guys!

Day one'er here with a newbie question... Is there risk of getting sick when making homemade mayo? I've never done it before but I thought it was risky to eat raw eggs? I can try and get the highest quality/organic available, but i live in a small town and honestly don't want to spend $5 on eggs.

OH also, on a unrelated topic, I feel like CRAP after day one! Headache, fatigue, and hungry. Am I alone here?

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You might want to consider getting the good eggs for making things like mayo, and what you can normally afford for day to day use. I know an awful lot of people who make their own mayo with no issues. My family has eaten real Caesar salad for a long time with no issues too, even with regular store eggs, so I wouldn't worry.


The crap feeling doesn't last. Don't worry. :)

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Only 1 in 30,000 eggs has salmonella from factory farmed eggs. Salmonella contaminated eggs only come from sick chickens. If you get your eggs from healthy chickens, there shouldn't be any issues.

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SpinSpin is correct.  Every organism on earth exists within a narrow pH range.  Adding ACV or lemon juice to the egg changes the pH enough to make it inhospitable to bacteria.  Of course, over time the bacteria learns to adapt, which is why I don't keep mayo more than a couple of weeks.

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