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Sugar cravings are definitely related to a lack of sleep for me. Yesterday I was fine. Today, my brain was screaming CHOCOLATE! I WANT SOME CHOCOLATE NOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Yeah. Whatever. I had some lamb stew instead.

Have you considered magnesium? People often crave chocolate when they lack magnesium, it may also help you sleep better :)

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I was craving sweets a bit last night too. I grabbed a handful of Mac nuts but then it turned into about three handfuls! Today's daily email was about habits. Everyone says it takes just 21 days to form a new habit but it can actually take a lot longer. They said its quite common to get sugar cravings around this time as its the sugar demon trying its last ditched effort to get us to cave in again. So hang in there a little longer everyone! We are getting so close to the end!

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yes, lack of sleep is truly a problem!!! but I want chocolate anyway!


the other huge problem is stress...and having lots to do, feeling time pressure...The next few weeks are going to be tough. I already figured out some things to prepare me for my October AI Whole30, like simply NOT eating out  NOT eating dried fruit. Nuts are out on AI anyway, which is good, since they have no brakes at all. And I cant have chocolate in the house.


I am calling it quits for this attempted Whole30 - mostly just dont want to stress over the eating out and stuff on a family trip over the weekend. I dont eat dairy or gluten, and those are 2 big things that cause problems for me, so if soy sauce or corn starch is in a food, I am not gonna freak out. Good luck to all those still going!

You almost finished!

I'm also under a lot of stress lately, which the lack of sleep is not helping. And it's funny, I always have chocolate in the house, and I can ignore it. If I DON'T have chocolate in the house, I have to go get some and eat it! So there's always a stash somewhere. :)

I'm doing the AI Whole30 now. My first Whole30 ever, and I made it 'extra' challenging. But it is doable! The challenge for me has been snacks, because I love nuts, and I need the snacks since I'm nursing. I've considered making some jerky of some sort, but I haven't done it yet.

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Have you considered magnesium? People often crave chocolate when they lack magnesium, it may also help you sleep better :)

Have you considered magnesium? People often crave chocolate when they lack magnesium, it may also help you sleep better :)


I take magnesium most nights of the week, so I don't think that's it. I think it is just my sugar dragon rearing its ugly head since chocolate is about the only form of sugar I get in my 'normal' diet because a I'm allergic to 99% of the processed sugar products out there.

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A friend of mine asked me why I'm doing the Whole30. I said that I need to heal my gut, clear out some allergies, and lose a few more pounds. She waved me off and said, "You've had three children in the last five years, and you're 45! You're fine."

It took me a while to figure out what bothered me about that statement, and aside from it coming from someone who is model thin and beautiful and who has *also* had three children, it is this:

I don't want to be fine. I want to be spectacular! I don't want to look good for my age, I want to look fantastic for ANY age. I want to be healthy for my kids and to be able to hang with my grandkids. I want to be in control of my health and my life, not be controlled by my allergies. And I need to heal my gut to do that.

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I'm also under a lot of stress lately, which the lack of sleep is not helping. And it's funny, I always have chocolate in the house, and I can ignore it. If I DON'T have chocolate in the house, I have to go get some and eat it! So there's always a stash somewhere. :)

I'm doing the AI Whole30 now. My first Whole30 ever, and I made it 'extra' challenging. But it is doable! The challenge for me has been snacks, because I love nuts, and I need the snacks since I'm nursing. I've considered making some jerky of some sort, but I haven't done it yet.

Jerky!! What a great idea. I have been thinking of making some, but now I have to go and do it so I'll be prepared. I've already made some chicken bone broth and stashed it in the freezer.

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Had a conference lunch yesterday and did some pre-planning and found out they would be serving a chicken salad.  I brought my own dressing because I knew that it would be too much to ask for plain EVOO and who knows if it really is EVOO when they bring it to the table.  I poured my homemade balsamic vinaigrette on my salad (after picking off the sugared pecans and grapes soaked in I don't know what).  I then passed the white creamy dressing on the table to my person to my left and she said "Hey - where is the balsamic that you have? I want that!" I then proceeded to say that I brought my own. And she passed the white stuff on without taking any.  I felt a little smug but also very strong that I really didn't care what others thought about me bringing my own salad dressing and that I took care of myself.  The fact is they were jealous and I had a very tasty salad.

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I did my first kettlebell workout today. I like it! I've really been slacking off on the exercise these last few years, kind of hoping that I can get by with just changing my diet. But I'm finally realizing that I need both to get the results and health that I desire. So, like I've said before, I want to do this at home and get in ok shape, and gain some confidence, and then I'll think about cross fit later. I'm excited that I'm finally doing it instead of just talking about it!!

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How's everyone doing? It's Day 21 and I'm feeling fine. Got some really really good sleep last night and actually sprang awake just before my alarm. Workout recovery has improved, and now I'm even giving some natural skin care a go (honey face washing). Who is this person?!  :P

I woke up before my alarm today, feeling ready to go, go, go (which is unusual for me). 

I think your honey face-washing self is related to my new self. She's a member of CSAs and considering getting rid of traditional shampoos and conditioners, in addition to buying meat shares to have grass fed and finished organic meat to her home every month. I'm kinda liking this new chick.


My skin is clearing up pretty nicely and my boyfriend looked at me this morning and told me I'm "definitely getting smaller." I asked how he figured and he said: "I put my arms around you more than anyone else does." And point goes to the boy. I'm actually noticing that some clothes that were snug on me when I started are loosening up (though mostly around my waist--I wish I could say the same about my hips!). 


I'm looking forward to Day 31. I plan to go out for a sushi dinner, have a glass of fabulous red wine, and a piece of dark cherry/almond chocolate. After that, I'm planning on doing Paleo permanently, with a meal out every few weeks where I can have something like sushi. Honestly, sushi, cheese, and red wine are really the only things I've missed hardcore. The rest I can totally live without. I'm hoping when I reintroduce cheese that I don't have a horrible reaction. I'd love to have a cauliflower pizza once and awhile with some mozzarella and parmesan on top!

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Happy day 21! I haven't really been craving anything too desperately but looking forward to a few paleofied dishes once this is over. I started a couch to 5k program before whole 30 and have continued but I find I get soooooo thirsty! I used to chew gum when I did it which helped but with all the funky ingredients I've stopped chewing it. I've tried running with a water bottle In my hand and on a belt and both felt awkward and clumsy (thats my running style :) ) As the running duration gets longer my legs and lungs aren't doing too bad but the THIRST OMG! One of the neighbours had a bowl on their lawn for the dogs out for a walk and I gotta say I was tempted....lol. Any thoughts on what I could do to stave off the thirst?

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Happy day 21! I haven't really been craving anything too desperately but looking forward to a few paleofied dishes once this is over. I started a couch to 5k program before whole 30 and have continued but I find I get soooooo thirsty! I used to chew gum when I did it which helped but with all the funky ingredients I've stopped chewing it. I've tried running with a water bottle In my hand and on a belt and both felt awkward and clumsy (thats my running style :) ) As the running duration gets longer my legs and lungs aren't doing too bad but the THIRST OMG! One of the neighbours had a bowl on their lawn for the dogs out for a walk and I gotta say I was tempted....lol. Any thoughts on what I could do to stave off the thirst?


Running with a water belt takes some getting used to. Find the things that feels least awkward and do it. If you really just can't carry any water make your route pass your house once a mile or so and leave a water bottle on your front porch.


Being well hydrated before your run helps but I personally try to sip water about once a mile throughout my run. 

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I want to do this at home and get in ok shape, and gain some confidence, and then I'll think about cross fit later.

 I understand how Crossfit is really intimidating to those of us who are out of shape, but waiting until I got  fit and confident enough for CrossFit would not have worked for me.  Going to CrossFit is what will make me good enough for Crossfit, and it really has been.  I have improved so much.  Six months in I am still often last, slowest, weakest at many workouts, but I can leave old me in the dust.  I felt results in a few weeks, something no other exercise program ever did for me.   Even though I lag behind almost everybody else, it has boosted my confidence enormously.  So, don't put too much pressure on yourself to be fit enough for CrossFit.  It really is scalable, even for people who have never been physically active.  Go ahead and try it; see if it's for you.   And, if it isn't, you get that out of the way and cross it off the list. 


Not trying to be pushy.  I just want to tell you it's OK to suck.  Everyone sucks at Crossfit...some just suck with heavier barbells....when you stop sucking at one level...you move up to your next level of suck!  A little like the Peter Principle...but with exercise!  Embrace the suck...we're all in this together. :)

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It's been a little up and down for for but mostly up :) I'm just looking forward to having something different for breakfast than eggs... I need more inspiration I think. And maybe a bit more imagination. I'm also developing addictions but not in a bad way. I LOVE sweet potato and can eat almond butter with a spoon but I have been limiting myself on that as I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. Yesterday I was a bit tired but I think it's because I didn't eat enough carbs. Today I had a banana with my breakfast and sweet potato for lunch and dinner and feel much better. My husband thinks that when I finish whole30 I will go nuts and eat everything for the first couple of days and frankly I'm a bit concerned too coz my cravings definitely haven't improved that much. The other day I swore I could smell McDonalds (yeah I know yuk!) and I hardly ever ate McDonalds before whole 30 so that was my brain playing tricks on me. But why McDonalds? I don't get it. Definitely looking forward to going paleo after this and allowing myself a treat every now and again. Is anyone else struggling with constantly being aware of what to eat? Thing with whole 30 is that you can't just wing it, you have to be prepared and I'm doing well some days more than others, but some days I'm like 'oh crap what am I going to eat?' Feels exhausting some times.

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It's been a little up and down for for but mostly up :) I'm just looking forward to having something different for breakfast than eggs... I need more inspiration I think. And maybe a bit more imagination. I'm also developing addictions but not in a bad way. I LOVE sweet potato and can eat almond butter with a spoon but I have been limiting myself on that as I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. Yesterday I was a bit tired but I think it's because I didn't eat enough carbs. Today I had a banana with my breakfast and sweet potato for lunch and dinner and feel much better. My husband thinks that when I finish whole30 I will go nuts and eat everything for the first couple of days and frankly I'm a bit concerned too coz my cravings definitely haven't improved that much. The other day I swore I could smell McDonalds (yeah I know yuk!) and I hardly ever ate McDonalds before whole 30 so that was my brain playing tricks on me. But why McDonalds? I don't get it. Definitely looking forward to going paleo after this and allowing myself a treat every now and again. Is anyone else struggling with constantly being aware of what to eat? Thing with whole 30 is that you can't just wing it, you have to be prepared and I'm doing well some days more than others, but some days I'm like 'oh crap what am I going to eat?' Feels exhausting some times.



I think it sounds like you need to have a plan - either make your whole 30 a whole 45/60 etc, or write down a definite reintro plan. This may help stop you diving in to a pile of whatever you can get your hands on because you feel deprived.


I didn't/don't have an issue with being prepared, I've been doing it for 3 years in some form and the whole 30 was a whole lot less stress for me! I do think of food differently though - I don't think of eating this way as being a deprivation, I think of it as fuelling my body with food (real food, not food like products) that will benefit it in some way. loving the food i'm eating helps.


if you want to succeed, you do have to think about what you're doing. you have a choice. you can choose to not follow a similar plan as a lifestyle, or you can choose to eat whatever and whenever you like. personally, eating this way, being healthy and achieving my goals because of being fuelled properly  is better than eating whatever, but hating my body and not being healthy. I consider how everything I put in my mouth is going to effect me - when not on a whole 30, I still splurge and have treats occasionally, but they have to be worth it!

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Back to some eggs for breakfast, a few pieces if compliant bacon....and a banana. M2 lamb chop, small sweet potato and half a cucumber and chopped fresh tomato with some basil. M3 I'm going for chicken salad in lettuce leaves with some chopped walnuts. Probably add some extra veggies in there somewhere.


This might be my first day without any avocado at all.  I'm out and not going to store until the weekend!


Stepped on scale again because I was wondering if I lost anything since last week.  Yup, down almost 4 more pounds.  I did this for a lot of reasons, health being number one.  I have to admit, weight was pretty much equal.  I can't believe I am down almost 18 pounds.  I am now not embarrassed to say I started at  about 158 and am now 140.  I knew my body wasn't happy.  To lose this much in such short period of a time while I am totally satisfied in what I am eating and feeling is just proof. My eating was out of control.  I feel like I have that control back.

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In the last two days I made Citrus Carnitas and Pad Thai (with the leftover pork) from Well Fed (both are also on the clothes make the girl website).  Yum-tastic!  I had to shovel serving 2 of the pad thai into a container before I ate the whole thing.  It was stand over the stove - why bother with nuts and garnish - delicious.  And I'm not honestly a big pad thai lover to begin with.  I made Melissa's 'Sunshine Sauce' with Almond Butter (the original recipe uses sunflower seed butter) and have renamed it 'Awesome-sauce'. Hope she doesn't mind.  It wasn't pretty though.  Seriously, I ate it in a dark room and that was smart.


While I count my newfound ability to actually cook for myself a huge win on this program... I really hope I start to get 'better' at it soon.   I realize getting better at cooking will come with time - intuitively knowing / learning when something is done so as not to over / undercook is a big goal....but the real thing I want to improve at is EFFICIENCY.  My kitchen is little bitty... and prep and cleanup take me an inordinately long time I think.... I even have a Barbie Size Dishwasher... but MAN I want to learn to get er done faster!  I know it will happen because I'm already improving... unfortunately slowly but oh well.


Speaking of slow result - Technology has ruined our ability to be realistic about immediate gratification.  I still watch TV some... but just as an extra morning rant..... you know why TV sucks?  Because we truly internalize the message that:


  • all people should look like that
  • if they aren't beautiful they are very, very sick (thank you reality tv)*
  • Good Guys can survive a ridiculous hail of firepower - Bad Guys just need one well placed shot
  • even if House can't save you - at least you die within an hour
  • Serial killers and child abductors live on every block
  • Political Pundits actually know facts as opposed to just rhetoric
  • Government / Military investigators have fantastic data and technology that help them find bad guys
  • Food should look beautiful coming out of the oven
  • Cooks don't make GYNORMOUS messes
  • Giant big snakes, aligators, turtles and sharks are everywhere - can we train them to eat the serial killers / child abductors?
  • News anchors are as arrogant, narcisstic, patronizing and ill informed as the pundits they are hosting (wait, this one might be true)
  • You can actually 'get' $150 for an ugly, pine bedroom set you found in an abandoned storage locker
  • You can actually get any money at all for old electronics found in abandoned storage lockers.
  • I should have valuable antique / collectible stuff somewhere in my attic! Or my storage locker.


clearly, I could go on....


** as an aside - I love Duck Dynasty and Honey BooBoo.  They play up the fact that they are crazy rednecks for TV purposes - but they are the warmest, realest people you can see on TV.  I'm one generation removed from real poverty and my family is from Mississippi and Louisiana so maybe I just relate.  


If there was a celebrity death match between these families and Real Housewives of anywhere or any family on a wedding / bridal show... I'd totally watch... because those chicks would go down!  ;)

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@BeautifulMonster, I totally see what you are saying and would love to just dive into it. But I'm seriously out of shape and I know I couldn't last an hour long class. For now I'm happy with 15 min and work my way up at my own pace. In fact, it's time to go do another workout. :)

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Ohhhh I feel that pain.  I'm just as focused on where my next meal is coming as ever... I'm just not as hungry.  And its still possible for me to lose a psychological grip and have a mini-binge.... I'm looking at YOU macadamia nuts!


Reintroduction is still pretty structured - at least for a week or so.  Then I think you prioritize what you miss the most.  And when you do get stuck unprepared you just do the best you can.


I think it all just takes a lot of practice.  Bummer.



. Is anyone else struggling with constantly being aware of what to eat? Thing with whole 30 is that you can't just wing it, you have to be prepared and I'm doing well some days more than others, but some days I'm like 'oh crap what am I going to eat?' Feels exhausting some times.

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@BeautifulMonster, I totally see what you are saying and would love to just dive into it. But I'm seriously out of shape and I know I couldn't last an hour long class. For now I'm happy with 15 min and work my way up at my own pace. In fact, it's time to go do another workout. :)

I imagine it depends on every box, but hour long class doesn't mean you are working out a solid hour.  At my box, a Workout can take anywhere from 7 to 30 minutes (rarely I can take longer if it's a really big, special one; I'm VERY slow).    The rest of time we work on developing skills and technique.  Today for example, I worked 19 minutes on my workout (and yes, I was the slowest, by far) and then I worked maybe another 20 minutes on my deadlift, but from a skill perspective, light weights concentrating on my form.  By all means, if what you are doing works for you, GO GO GO!  But don't be scared...or, more accurately, come be scared in a group!  :)  And I promise I will not hassle you about this again. ....I just want to encourage you.  It's made such a big difference for me, I want everyone to join in!  (Yeah...I really wnet off the deep end of the cult acolyte pool with this....)

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Hi all!!  I ended up starting on Monday, July 29.  TODAY IS DAY 25!!!! I cannot BELIEVE how good my body feels!  I have been sleeping better, less bloated, better digestion, looking better, clothes are WAY bigger... I am just so excited that it is working!! 

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Oh and by the way, I didn't realize I had gotten so many replies to the thread I started!  I coudn't find it again.  Yes...new to posting to a forum....ar at least years since I have done this sort of thing.  LOL


WE ARE ALMOST THERE!  How many days do you have left?  WHat changes have you felt? 

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