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2nd Whole30 (Attempt Number 324793289)

Sara O.

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Day 31




~sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and kittens!~



This has been such an awesome experience!  So let's get down to the wrap up!


The not-so-awesome:

-The only thing I can think of right now is the tendonitis issue I had.  It seemed like it wasn't healing as fast as it should have with me eating so well and getting good sleep.  The only thing I can think of is that it would have been A LOT worse if I hadn't been eating this way.  And that it took so long to heal because I have been walking up and down stairs and hills more and standing around at work too much.


The awesome:

-My skin is super soft and clear!  I've never had major issues with my skin, so for it to be even better than before is a wonderful thing!

-My energy is consistent throughout the WHOLE day.

-I'm able to focus considerably better, and

-I remember more information and can recall facts more quickly.

-I don't miss bread or dairy whatsoever.  I could go the rest of my life without eating them and not miss them.  This here's a miracle.

-My cravings are gone.  GONE!  I never thought this would happen to me! ever.  (When I did my Whole30 in the spring this happened, but when I started eating poorly again they came back with a vengeance.  I will keep this in mind!)

-I -want- to eat healthy foods and continue to improve my health.

-My depression is gone(!) and I'm HAPPY.

-I am more out going and willing to socialize.  ~This is probably my favorite part about eating the Whole9 way.~  I've been shy my whole life, but fueling my body (and brain!) properly causes me to -want- to socialize, meet new people, and try new things.

-This is pretty much how I'm feeling today.




My goals...

1) Get to bed before midnight each night

I was able to get to bed before midnight every night but two.  However, I feel that I achieved this goal because I did my best every single night to get to bed at a good hour.  Also, I think I could have set myself up for success with this goal better if I had said five nights per week, instead of every night.

2) Visit my pony every week

I really liked the idea of this goal as it was something to not just get me out of the house, but to get me into the outdoors.  Despite only visiting my horse twice, I consider this goal achieved.  I have been SO busy with this new job, that anytime that I had off, I was either at the park with my dog or out(doors) with friends.  Therefore, because I swapped being out with my dog and friends for being outside with the pony, I feel that I accomplished the underlying goal of this goal.  (:



Weight and measurements...

I didn't weigh myself at the start of the program and I don't really care to weight myself now.  I find it amazing that I have no desire to do this!  However, I did measure my waist, hips, and stomach (just under my belly button).  I lost one inch in my stomach; the other two measurements stayed the same.  lol


How I plan to continue...

The results I've received with this Whole30 have been simply amazing!  I plan to continue my Whole9 lifestyle, but will go off-plan when I feel the situation warrants it.  (;

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YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!  I wish I had confetti!


This "-My depression is gone(!) and I'm HAPPY." made me teary-eyed and happy for you!  I am not joking when I say W30 saved my life.  SAVED.MY.LIFE.

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This "-My depression is gone(!) and I'm HAPPY." made me teary-eyed and happy for you!  I am not joking when I say W30 saved my life.  SAVED.MY.LIFE.


Yes!  Exactly!  It has saved my life as well!


I wish I could just upload what I know about the Whole30 into people's minds, especially people who have depression.  It would make things so much easier.  You just feel -normal- and content.  (:

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